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They saw!! Hi willne gc, love you lots

Hannah's POV

A year after the last chapter

February 16th was when everything changed.

There's something called nightwatch, where people watch the tree which provides the border around camp.

The tree was made by Zeus in memory of Beth, Beth Rossiter, who was killed by a cyclops on the night of trying to make it to camp.

I'll give you background information.

Beth, Beth, Emily and Will were only 10 when it happened. They were rushing to camp while being chased by a cyclops.

Beth tried to fight them off, but she didn't make it.

The tree was placed in memory of her by Zeus, her father, and the border from her soul was used to protect camp, so that no other danger to camp would be presented inside, and nothing like that would happen again.

"Hannah, Hannah!" I heard Emily shout at me. Emily was Beth's best friend when they were 10, and I've never heard her more aggravated in her life.

I ran towards her to see a huge crowd around the tree, and Beth(an) sobbing in front of it.

"Beth what's wrong?" I asked, looking upwards towards the tree.

She held out her hand and a piece of the tree which was brown and crumbling was in it.

I looked up and noticed that all leaves were crumbling, and the border which had once protected us was shattering.

Daryl, demigod of the Goddess Hera, had once protected to border, though when the border was made, he quit his job. Now, Daryl patrols the border, reminding everyone that they are in risk once again.

Will GC Fanfiction// By BrookeWhere stories live. Discover now