One: Lies

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Yamaguchi P.O.V
I run over to Ukai and Takeda sensei, I'm worried...they seem to have that pitiful face's about our next game I bet.

"..uh, you called, coach?"

"Yamaguchi, how's your serving practice been?"

"About that..I-I'm not very good..but! I know I'm getting better!"

"That so?...I'm glad. Y'know, Inter-Scholastic Preliminaries are close. Very close. Well, I plan to put you in as a punch server, so please look forward to it. That is all."

I can't believe it...I-I'm...IM GONNA SERVE IN AN ACTUAL GAME.

"Y-Yes!! Thank you!"

I bow and dash to tell Tsukki! I hope he's as happy as I am. We..might play together....
what am I thinking..I might not even play..should I say something..? It might not happen...

I wouldn't want to disappoint Tsukki...ill make it a surprise instead.

_Time skip_

"Practice over! Everyone get enough rest!"


I should practice again. Just in case. I will go meet Shimada for extra lessons.

"You're going to practice again? Yamaguchi"

"Uh, Y-yeah! I can't waste any time! Sorry Tsukki! I can't go home with you again!"

" doesn't matter. See you"

"Yeah...G-get home safe!"

I manage to yell. I've been avoiding going home with Tsukki for awhile, with my lessons and all...I'm sure..he understands.

_Next day_


"Yes, so sorry Tsukki! Sorry. But I'll make it up to yo-"

"You don't have to, going home with me isn't a privilege. Just go do whatever for all I care"

Tsukki heads into classroom avoiding contact with me. It hurt, yet I'm used to it. I begin to follow him, until I feel a sharp tug on collar down to the ground.

"Gh! That..hurt..."

"Sorry~!! You were in our way! You do know how rude it was of you to block someone's way!"

I'm scared. It's happening again. I'm. I'm not alright. I hate this. I'm not fine. There's too many guys to handle...I'm not okay.

"W-what is your problem?! C-can't you j-just leave me alone..! I-"

He grabs my uniform and pulls me to my knees until I was on all fours.

"That's you're place, and stay there! You're nothing but someone's dog!" What does that mean...
...I don't have no more to say....

"What the hell."


"C-Crap! Tsukkishima.."

"Do you guys like getting on my nerves or what? Leave yamaguchi the fuck alone! People like you are who piss me off the most."

"Heh, well speak of the devil!"

The guy who pushed me is walking up to Tsukki..

"Good timing Tsukkishima-kun, your dog is off his lease."

"My dog? Are you blind or just really stupid?"

"Hah, cruel as ever! I like guys like you! Nothing's ever boring!"

(Bell goes off)

"Class is starting. Better get going now! It was fun talking with you both, see you~"

He's gone...I..don't feel good...not at all.

"yamaguchi, you oka-"

"I'm fine!!"


He just asked me if I'm okay...why am I so...mad...I manage to force a smile.

"I'm fine, Tsukki...t-thank you..but I'm going to the infirmary, I don't feel good."

"Yeah...okay. I'll tell sensei"

"Mm! Well, bye!"

I leave to the infirmary, surprisingly no body is here. Usually there would be students attempting to hide in here most of the time. This is good...I like the silence...I don't want anybody to see me crying.

"...I'm not a dog..Tsukki is my friend...I can..take care of myself....I don't..need him.."

I'm crying so hard, my eyes see nothing but my tears making everything unclear. What am I saying?!..I couldn't last a day without him...I'm so mad...mostly at myself..but- Tsukki is also fueling this fire...

"I's alway been like this! get my weak self into trouble and Tsukki was always there to fight my needs to stop..I don't always want to rely on him..."

...I'm alone...
Right now...I don't see Tsukki as a friend or a lover...he's just a person who was forced upon being my guard...nothing else.

I don't need that kind of protection.

But what can I do...I love Tsukki.

All I to stand by him as a person.


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