One Shots. (BoyxBoy/Slash)

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Lee's POV

"Brent, get off" I struggle beneath him, "whats wrong?" he asks. "Just get off" I whisper, he climbs off me confused why I stopped out daily wrestle match. I get up and just run out of his house. "Lee!" he calls after me, I wipe the tears from my face as I continue running down the street. I run all the way home, and run straight into my room ignoring my very confused mother.

I slam my bedroom door shut and curl up in the corner of the room. "Lee?" Asks the small voice of my sister as she knocks on my door. "Go away precious please" I whisper as she opens the door. She glares at me, and shuts the door as she walks over to me. She sits her self on my thighs, "Whats wrong?" she asks softly

"Nothing" I say shaking my head, "Whats wrong?!" she demands. "Nothing!" I snap. She slaps me, "Don't snap at me mr! What's wrong with you!" she yells growling. I look down, "You can't tell anyone" I say seriously. "Who am I going to tell" she says rolling her eyes. "Precious...I-i...I'm gay" I whisper under my breath. "so you like boys?" she asks, I nod, "What's wrong with that?" she asks. "Nothing...but...but...I'm in love" I sigh. "I'm only 4 but follow your heart" she says.

I chuckle and hug her softly, "I'll leave you along now" she giggles kissing my cheek before skipping out. I let out a heavy breath and lean on the wall, craddling my head in my hands. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I sigh and pull it from my pocket.

'Brenttyy <3- Bro, y u run 4. Is startin 2 wori! and y u cryin 4!?-

I shake my head at his laziness, before replying, -I had to, I'm fine, its personal-

Before I could even stand up my door bursted open, and I was pinned on the floor in seconds. "Whats wrong!?" brent demands. "Nothing, now get off me" I say, attempting to, push him off me. "I'm not stupid Lee" he says glarring down off me. "Get off me" I say shoving him again, but he was still as a building.

"Not until you tell me whats up!" he growls. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I yell. "No! fucking tell me!" he yells back. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME, AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM, BETTER YET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!" I yell shoving him as hard as I could.

His face flashed with hurt but he didn't move, "GET OFF ME I HATE YOU I HATE YOU GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I cry shoving him again. His face paled, as he closed his eyes and sat back. A single tear ran down his cheek, I attept to speak after reliazing what I said. "You know what, I'm leaving" he says getting up before running out of my room.

I sit up again whimpering silently my hands trembling. My breaths coming out as heavy gasps. I crawl across the floor attempting to reach for my puffer. I couldn't reach, my breaths coming thicker, and harder to breath in. I clutch my throat, "I forgot my phone, I'll leave after...Lee...Lee are you okay?" Brent asks rushing to me.

He grabs his phone off the floor, before dialing. I dig my nails into the floorboards struggling to breath at least. Before I knew it I passed out.

Brent's POV

I blink my eyes hard, trying to stay awake, as I sit beside the hospital bed. "Son you should get some sleep" the doctor says. "No, my friend need me here, so I'm going to stay here until I know he is okay" I grumble tiredly. I here the sheets ruffle, slightly beside me. "Lee!" I say jumping out of the chair. "Bre?" he asks groggily. "Yeah bro, I'm here" I say standing over him.

"I didn't mean it" he says huskily. "You didn't mean what?" I ask moving the hair off his face. "I don't hate you, definatly not, you look horrible by the way" he says with a struggling chuckle. "I know, and thanks" I say rolling my eyes.

"Brentan" he says using my full name. "W-what?" I ask knowing this was either horrible news or something serious. "I'm gay" he says quickly. "Okay...and?" I ask. "I like boys" he continues, "so?" I ask. "I like dick" he says rolling his eyes. "So what your gay?" I say bluntly. "I like your dick" he mutters. I nod and chuckle. "That doesn't bother you, you're not going to tell me i'm going to hell, or punch me, or tell me i'm disgusting, or that you befriend me?" he asks in a rush.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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