Chapter 2: Not A Usual Princess

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I am not like the other girls I know my age. My mother always described me as an "abnormal princess" meaning that I had an interesting for things princesses usually don't have or even shouldn't such as politics, branches of the parliament, a government, and a senate. I inquired my father of war tactics when I was three years old! My mother was very disappointed. She wanted her eldest daughter to be a mirror of herself. She wanted me to enjoy visiting the palace jeweler for hours and having a two hour-long tea with the seamstress. I didn't enjoy these things! I always longed for time with my father. I liked to be in his room when ministers and councilors would meet with him. I would come up with such brilliant ideas to solve problems that the whole senate was amazed!
Many people along with my father, I really do think, secretly agree that I am a better fit to become the sovereign of Germany rather than my brother who is childish, spoiled, and slightly unwise. As my brother was the heir to the throne, everyone continuously praised him for stupid reasons. He would not do well on a test given to him by his tutor and everyone would blame the teacher. He would not do well in his riding lesson and everyone would blame either the horse or the instructor! Charlene, my other brothers, and I weren't given this type of treatment! Listen very carefully, we are not jealous. But this is beyond the line, wouldn't you say?
I hope Geráld makes intelligent decisions and acts wisely when he is King. I hope he also has a wife who will listen to him so he can have someone to share his burdens with. My father was unlucky for he had a careless and mean wife.
If only I was the heiress to the throne! I would become a great ruler. But because I am a woman, they all look down at me.
There is nothing more to say. I simply wish my brother the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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