Chapter 1: Fatal mistake

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Annie was at church with her family,Her mother Dawn, Her father Dan, And her brother Dillard. She often wondered why her family all had name's that started with 'd' and why didnt have a name like Rose or lily.. Annie loved flowers. "Wake up Annie you're Snoring!" Dillard whisper-shouted in Annie's ear. "hrmmm..." Annie dozed off again.. she couldnt sleep all yesterday night. "WAKE UPPP!!" Dillard literally shouted in the middle of the service.. "ughhnn.." Annie facepalmed while everyone stared at the children. "Dillard!How dare you interupt service like this!" The pastor yelled and literally grabed Dillard by the colar "You must be whiped with a belt for this!" "WAIT!!" Everyone stared at Annie "I-i desverve punishment...I kept Dozeing off-Thats why Dillard yelledPlease punish me instead!!"
Pastor Mike looked at Annie and smirked. "Ok then..Go to the audio room after service" Annie's  mother stayed silent.. So did her dad,Saying nothing.Knowing a tradegy was to come.Sience Pastor mike was known to be vicious with punishment, if it was A bad enough sin.. Death.

Thrity minutes after the service Annie was esscourted into the audio room..Little knowing his intensions..


The clock sounded either broken or demonic to Annie..

"Well WELL, What should i do to you..?"  Pastor Mike questioned himself. "....." Annie froze in silent fear as she saw him Pull out a gas can and a box of matches. "Look kid im sorry..wait, nevermind Im not really sorry-i'll get straight to the point." He countinues. "Im not a pastor.. not really anyway.. Im a runaway from a pysche ward.heh.. enough about me let's talk about you..Shall we?" He grinned a wide toothy grin. "You saw too much.ok?" "So lets make this quick..Both you and the church are going down." He smirked "Au revior!" He quickly poured gasoline all over Annie ruining her favorite Blue lace dress-making it a black mess. Then he lit the match and droped it on Annie.

Everything went black...

"Hello...?" Annie was in a deep black smokey illusion. She started to get up but she jumped back at the sight of a horrific scene cast opon her suddenlly... The half burnt down church.

"Ding.Dong. i know you can hear meeee." It was a male voice whispering she didnt reconize...

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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