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"Ben!!! What?!? The kids from the Isle of the Lost, coming to Auradon?! You're out of your mind!" Audrey yelled.

"Darling, they must feel left out. They've been abandoned on the island forever." Ben said.

"No. They're cruel and evil. Like Brea here." Audrey scoffed and pointed towards me.

"Aw thanks." I smiled and put my hand on my heart. Audrey rolled her eyes.

"Audrey, we should give them a chance." Ben said. "Everyone needs to be given a chance."

"Yes Ben. I personally think your idea is great. You shouldn't let Miss Party pooper here crush your dream." I smiled to my brother then glared at Audrey.

"Whatever. I have to go Bennie Boo. But personally I believe you're making a horrible mistake." Audrey said, kissed Bens cheek, glared at me then scurried out.

"Ugh, thank Godfather she's gone. I was about to shove this magazine up her-" I said but Ben cut me off.

"Ok, ok. I get it. You don't like her. No need for that language." Ben said and ran his fingers through his hair.

"She's so annoying. Why didn't we send her to the Isle? I'm pretty sure the kids there are more tolerable than her." I said and rolled my eyes.

"You know dad couldn't do that." Ben smiled lightly. I nodded my head in annoyance.

"Oh, so when are the VK's coming? I would love to be on the welcoming committee. I could even show them around!" I exclaimed.

Getting to meet the VK's would be awesome. Especially the ones Ben chose. Mal, the daughter of Maleficent. Evie, daughter of the evil queen. Jay, son of Jafar and Carlos, son of Cruella Da Vil.

The reason why I'd like to meet them is mainly because they're evil and I love evil. Yes, I know, I'm a princess. But, I like to cause chaos. Living by the rules isn't exactly my thing.

"I suppose. But please don't cause chaos." Ben sighed.

"What could possibly go wrong, Ben? It's just a tour." I laughed.

"Many things could go wrong, Brea. But I'm trusting you." Ben said.

"Ok. I promise no pranks." I replied. Although, I didn't really mean it.

"I have to go. See you later." Ben said and hurried to his fitting. I sighed and sat down on the couch.

I was soon to be queen in a couple of years. Ben would get five years to rule Auradon and I'd get the rest. I know, it doesn't seem fair but that's what happens when you have twins.

My mother recently told me to fix myself up. A responsible queen didn't act like a villain. In my eyes, I didn't see myself as a villain. I just don't like living by the rules.

I walked to my room and sat by the desk. I tried thinking of spells to learn but I was too excited to focus.

When night fell, I could barely sleep. Excitement filled my body. I ended up falling asleep at 12 am, which is not my normal bedtime.


"BREA!! WAKE UP!!" Ben roared and hit me with a pillow. Out of instinct, I punched Ben in the stomach.

"Don't wake me up like that Ben. You know that." I grumbled and rolled off my bed.

"Sorry. But you must get ready. The kids will be here soon." Ben said and walked out.

I almost screamed out of excitement and raced to my bathroom. I brushed my wavy hair and applied a small amount of makeup.

I smirked to myself as I put on my outfit. Audrey and her little friends would puke seeing me wearing this.

Ripped jeans, a white crop top and some black shoes. Wearing dresses on a normal day just wasn't me.

I raced out of my room and down the stairs where Ben waited. I smiled at him as I got to the door and walked out.

"Someone's excited." Ben said. I could tell that he was happy with this idea of his.

"Of course I am. The children from the Isle of the Lost are coming here to Auradon." I said and clapped my hands together.

"Please don't cause any trouble, Brea. I don't want to regret letting you guide them." Ben pleaded.

I nodded and replied, "Don't worry Ben. I'll make you proud."

"Please do." Ben laughed lightly and walked to Fairy Godmother. I followed behind him and smiled to Fairy Godmother.

"They're here!" I squealed as the black limo approached. I jumped up and down but quickly calmed myself.

Mal and Evie stepped out first. Mal smirked and looked around.

Two boys fell out, and fought over something. I laughed to myself at the two idiotic boys.

"Ahem." Fairy Godmother said. They put the stuff back in the limo and stood up straight.

She started babbling but I didn't listen. When Ben nudged my shoulder, I quickly snapped out of my thoughts.

"Ok. I'll leave you to Brea. She'll show you all your dorms and she'll give you a tour." Ben smiled.

"Bye Bennie Boo." I mocked Audrey. Ben rolled his eyes and walked off. I turned and smirked at the four villains.

"So, I'm Brea. Daughter of Beast and Bell." I said.

"Nice to meet you." Jay said and smirked.

"Just letting you know now, I'm not big on being a princess or whatever. I don't follow rules because they're stupid." I scoffed.

"Nice." Evie said with a smirk.

"I'll show you to your rooms." I said after I gave them a tour of the school and led them to the dorm rooms.

We arrived at Mal and Evies room. "I know. It's super pink. I redid my room. I could help you redo it if you'd like." I offered.

"Yes please." Mal said and shut the curtains. I looked over to Evie who looked disappointed.

"I'm down the hall if you need me. I'll be showing Jay and Carlos to their room. Bye." I said and walked into the hall.

"Finally." Jay said and rolled his eyes. I glared at him and scoffed.

"Don't 'finally' me. I could easily send you back to the Isle." I said with a smirk.

I led them to their dorm, which is the one I wanted. The boys dorm are more me than the girls dorms. I begged Ben to let me have the boys dorm but he refused.

"This is where you guys will sleep. And do homework. It's basically your new home so just make yourself at home." I smiled.

"Thanks Brea. We really appreciate it." Carlos smiled.

"No problem. I'm gonna go with my friends now but I'll catch you guys later." I said.

I felt Carlos staring at me as I bounced out of the room. I didn't mind. I would do the same.

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