Rules and Guidelines

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1. Characters: You may request any of my OCs or any of my approved canon characters to interact with. Current approved canons are:

The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)
Zim (Invader Zim)

The list may change as my muses change. I will not RP as any character besides my OCs or the approved list.

2. Your Characters: I am open to interacting with any characters, canon or OC, in nearly any fandom. Crossovers included. If I don't know much about them, I'll figure it out from talking to you.

3. Format: Please at least try to use correct grammar and spelling, and avoid one line replies. If I can't understand your statement or have nothing to work with, I can't reply, plain and simple. Typos happen though and that's fine. Also, I RP in the third person, so it would be helpful if you would as well, though not necessary.

4. Romance: I DO NOT DO SMUT. Ever. No exceptions. I don't like seeing it, so I won't do it. Do not ask me because I will say no. Your characters are free to romantically pursue mine in an appropriate way; this includes crushes, planned couples, romantic gestures such as hugging, cuddling, kissing, etc. Even innuendos and suggestive remarks are ok, just nothing explicit. However, that does not guarantee romantic reciprocation from my characters. Character integrity will always win out over ships. You have been warned.

5. Powers: Please, no god modding or controlling my character's actions, and no Mary Sues. Those types of characters are not fun to interact with. Your character can have any number of supernatural or special powers as long as they are not abused.

6. Language: You can swear if you want, censored or not, I don't care. Or not, that's fine too.

7. Violence: Violence and gore is acceptable, in appropriate situations and in measured amounts. Use your best judgement here.

8. Replies: Tag me in your replies so I see them more quickly. And please reply as a separate comment, not as a reply chain. I like to use reply chains for OOC remarks only.

9. Questions: PC me for plot talk, questions, or concerns.

10. Final Note: Don't be offended if I choose not to initiate an RP with you. I may just have a lot on my plate at the moment, or I may not be comfortable with the scenario you want. I'll always try to let you know why if I do say no.

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