Chapter 1

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End of the school day I ran home as fast as I could and no one would be home. I ran up to my room and the tears fell down my face and blurred my vision. I got to my room and slammed the door behind me, by now I was bawling and sitting up against the door.

I throw my bag towards my bed and hugged my knees to my chest. I just wanted to leave because there wasn't a near purpose for me here. I got to my feet and the tears still surrounded my eyes so I could look for something to help me escape the cruel world.

When I heard voices coming from my mirror. I walked towards it and I saw a rabbit. I walked towards the mirror and placed my hand through the glass. It went straight through and I pulled my hand back to my chest.

I looked back at the door and then at the mirror, I had made up my mind and walked through the mirror. When I appeared on the other side and opened my eyes to see a whole new world. I looked down to see I was no longer wearing my skinny jeans and grey hoodie and my hair no longer is a messy fishtail.

I looked down to see my wearing a cream dress with sleeves hanging off his shoulders, I touched the ends of my hair to feel soft wavy curls. I placed my hand lightly on my head and felt what felt like a flower crown. I got up to my feet and looked around at my surroundings. "Curious very curious" I said to myself, I walked around the corner to see a whole lot of people and stalls like I was now somehow in a market place. I walked around looking at the stalls when I heard a little voice trying to get my attention, "excuse me" they said and I turned around to see a girl. She looked at around the age of 14 or 13 but she had blue eyes, blonde curly hair, fair skin and she wore a light blue simple dress that looked a little worn out but still looked new.

"Hi I'm Ivory and who are you?, you from here?" She asked and I shook my head, how insane would it sound to tell a young girl that I came from another world. Well here it goes, "I'm not from this world and my name is Bethany Taylor" I said and she smiled. "Hi Bethany" she said smiling brightly, she then looked curious like she had a million questions on her mind. "Well this is the water kingdom and the legend has it that a girl that is the chosen one would help us bring peace among the four kingdoms whit are Water, Fire, Air and Earth. This is the Kingdom of earth and we are allies with the water kingdom. We are at war with the air and fire kingdom at the moment" Ivory explained until we heard horses and men shouting.

We ran out and the man looked at us like we had committed a crime,  "a noble what are they doing in these parts" the knight scoffed. I felt Ivory tug on my skirt and I bent down so she could whisper, "there the knights of the fire kingdom and they're here to terrorise us" she said with her breath shaking. The knight coughed and he was about to speak when there was the sound of horses coming towards us. "Stop right there you can't do this coming here into my territory. This is madness and unacceptable!" The boy on horse back announced. He looked of high birth nobility he looked down at me and the other man behind him looked at Ivory. "May I?" He asked extending his hand out to me, I nodded and took hold of his hand and got on the horse.

"Alan you ready?" The boy asked and the boy behind us nodded, and I saw Ivory with him. We began riding off when the boy spoke again, "Its Fredrick" he said and I smiled. I wrapped my arms around him holding on as we picked up speed and he laughed a little. "Your cute" he said laughing and don't get me wrong he looked adorable and perfect. "Come on let's get to the palace" he said before commanding the horse to go faster. I looked behind me seeing the rod used to command the horse, never would I ever see myself on the back of a horse with a prince. Hearing the hooves gallop and the dirt clouding around them as the horse ran. That cool breeze blowing in my face.

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