Chapter 2

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-Three months later-

The growl bubbled up in my throat as I glared at the Anima, who only stared back. The blood on the ground between us was the only testimony to our meeting. My body was already littered with wounds, my canine fur matted together with mud and the crimson stain. I don't remember quite when I had changed to this form. I usually kept to my human one outside of work.

Work... My life is as good as over now... This Anima... this monster took that from me!

I urge my weakened limbs into one last spring, straight for those unflinching yellow eyes. My jaws part in a snarl, anticipating the bitter taste of his pain. My muscles bunch all at once, launching me forward until I'm inches away from his neck. My teeth barely manage to graze his fur before strong jaws clamp around my throat.

Pain floods me, stealing a high-pitched yelp and whimper from me. Those teeth sink ever deeper, the sound of my blood gushing the only noise from me. I stare into those awful, indifferent eyes that stare back without a care. Hot liquid bubbles up from my throat, spilling into and out of my mouth. My limbs flail jerkily until becoming still, my vision fading around the edges in an all-too-familiar darkness.

Only this time, it's not the darkness of sight, but the darkness of silence.

I barely notice when my body hits the alley floor, watching through dim vision as my enemy drags away the one thing I valued most. I'm left in silence.

Sweet, sweet silence. The rainfall doesn't faze me, as I can only watch it slowly wash away the blood. My body won't move, can't move. I was never trained to be a combat Anima, after all. So I simply do what I've always done... the one thing I was made for....

I listen.

I listen to the silence.

I listen to the rain.

I listen to the ache in my bones.

I listen to the pain in my muscles.

I listen to the gurgle of my blood as it rushes out of me.

I listen to the sounds of silence.

I listen... to the footsteps.


I don't know why I picked today to take a shortcut through the back alleys. I don't know why I didn't listen to reason and just have gone home. I don't know why seeing him lying there made me begin to cry.

Mostly, I don't know why I took him with me. There was just something in his eyes when they flickered open to look at me... in those brief few seconds, I saw something that made me want to help him. Something I saw in myself every single day.

I'd had a grey blanket with me since I'd been watching the fireworks at the park by the port. Aoba had had work so he'd been unable to go with me, but it looks like I'd still be able to see him tonight. I wrapped the poor thing in the blanket before picking him up and heading towards Tae's as fast as I could without running and hurting him. His breath was already gurgled wheezes as it was.

Aoba took one look at me at the door and ran to get his grandmother. I took off my shoes, carefully petting the top of his head. His eyes stared vacantly, but the movement of his ears was proof that he was here in the land of the living. I was soon ushered into the living room by Tae, setting down the weak being as carefully as I could. Aoba moved the coffee table to give us more room, then was sent to go get warm water. I could only sit and watch while she looked him over.

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