Chapter 1

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You stare into those beautiful brown eyes, the ones that seem to haunt you every night from across the great hall. He's your best friend and you'd been in love with him since your first year. Unfortunately, you dont think he could ever like you like that. You are a Ravenclaw fourth year and he's in Gryffindor with his twin George.

There is a lot of weird stuff going on right now. A ton of muggle borns have showed up in the hospital petrified. You're really worried. You're a muggle born so its really scary to you. Although, the twins have promised to protect you. Fred and George are so sweet.

Suddenly Fred turns and his gaze met yours. You blush because he caught you staring, but he just smiled and waved. He elbowed George who looked up and waved too as you wave back. They break the rules walking over to sit by you. They are always breaking the rules! They sit down on either side of you. "Hello (y/n)!" They yell in unison. "Hi Fred! Hi George!" You answered happily.

When you had finished your dinner, after much talkingg and laughing, George told Fred to go to the Gryffindor common room without him and asked to talk to you for a minute. "(y/n)? Do you like my brother?" He asked you. "N-no," you lied caught by surprise and feeling a blush seep into your cheeks, "I mean I like him as a friend but I d-dont......." He cut you off, "(y/n), you are one terrible liar." "Okay, so maybe I might like him a little bit," you said blushing, "you better not tell him George!!! If you do, I swear that I will kill you!"

George just winked and walked out. You swear that if he dares to tell Fred, he'll wish he'd never been born!

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