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"So why?" He asked me placing a blanket on my shivering body. I wasn't shivering of cold but of fear. His blue eyes staring at me, as to make sure that I don't do anything crazy.

"I've lost everything," I quivered out, my eyes threatening to spill with tears again.

"You can talk to me, I can listen if you want." He said, his accent made it hard to understand some words.

"You don't care, you don't even know my name. All you know is that i'm a depressed, suicidal, crazy girl." I said staring back at him, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'll decide if I care or not. I won't call the cops to take you away, I just want to know what made you think that was a go-"

"They're dead! My family is dead. I'm an only child, my mum died when I was nine and my dad just died earlier this week. Then he left me, my fiance left me for some girl in France who he was cheating on me with. It hurts, there's no point to me being alive when everyone I love isn't here anymore." I said, my voice broken and tired. My eyes burning and my face covered in tears. He neared me and held me again. As much as I was broken, I could still use my senses; he smelt of cologne and his embrace was warm. I didn't want him to let go so I hugged back as I cried. His hands gently stroking my hair.

"You're so brave, you're going to be okay. I promise you, things are going to get better. You're okay," he coaxed. His voice was becoming so addicting and I found myself dependent of his presence as the night went on.

Intermission (Later that Evening)

"Thank you, for your kindness towards me. I'll be leaving soon enough, I'm sorry for disrupting your day," I spoke getting up from my seat in his couch.

"No you should stay, it's pretty cold outside and you're not a disruption at all. I quite enjoy the company." He spoke giving me a soft smile.

"You don't even know my name, for all you know I could be an chainsaw killer," I replied sarcastically, he laughed; it sounded like God.

"So Ms. Chainsaw Killer, what is your name?" He asked as I sat back down.

"Bunny. I know it sounds weird but everyone calls me by my middle name, Acacia. So just to clarify, my name is Bunny Acacia Jones." I said as he looked at me, he had a smile on his face.

"Well, Bunny Acacia, my name is James. James McAvoy." He said; that name sounded familiar. I thought about it for a second.

"You played the doctor guy in that movie about the king of Scotland or something like that, didn't you?" I asked looking at him, he chuckled nodding.

"Yeah did you like the movie?" He asked me;  I responded by shaking my head.

"No, it was quite scary well the end part was quite scary in my opinion but the guy you played had it coming, he did sleep with that woman." I said looking my fingers.

"Yeah, that's true I do admit was a bit gruesome towards the end." He replied sitting next to me.

"So you're famous? Must be nice, also it seems crazy that a famous guy would end up helping me. Almost sounds like i'm dreaming." I said pinching myself as he started laughing and moved my hand away.

"But it's real though, so no need to pinch yourself, lovely." He said smiling at me.

"Do you really want me to stay the night? Or were you just being nice?" I asked him.

"I genuinely want you to stay," he replied looking at me; his eyes had a softness to them, I couldn't say no.

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