Breathing Gotham air again...

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, we will now arrive to Gotham. Please remain seated until we have parked the plane." The woman behind the mic yawned before continuing, "We wish you a pleasant and safe stay here in this notorious city. Thank you for flying with us today."

You scrolled through the texts on your phone again while the plane made it's way over to the parking spot. The whole conversation with your father had made you both filled with sadness and hope. It was several months ago, but you remember it like yesterday before the funeral, before the heritage twists.


F(ather) - "Y/N, do you have a moment to talk? Can I call you?"

Y/N - "I'm in a meeting, can we take it over text?"

F - "It's about the company. I have discuss this with your mom and we think it's time you take over."

Y/N - "What?? I'm Calling. What will my brother say?"

F- "We've decided you're the most fit. End of story."


You clicked yourself over to the conversation you had with your brother. Funny enough, you hadn't texted much more since he found out.


B(rother) - "I hope you see that this is beyond foolish?"

Y/N - "I trust their decision brother."

B- "That company belongs to me. I am the oldest. You know that as well as I do."

Y/N - "I will run this company as I am skilled enough to do so. Please don't make a twist about this."


Of course, he did make a twist about it. Even when you were visiting your sick parents, he tried to influence them to change their minds. Heartless. Still, you loved your brother, but this would be a good thing. You were looking forward to Gotham.

The plane made for a sudden stop, allowing your phone to casually slip out of your hand and into the floor. Cursing for the life of your phone you reached for it, praying. It wasn't broken.
You had realised that the phones today were expensive enough that if you dropped it and heard something crack, you prayed it would be your leg breaking because the hospital bill would most likely be less of a cost. You found the moral of how much life was worth to the companies annoying. Another thing you were determined your own company now wouldn't follow.

After exiting the plane and waiting for what seemed like an eternity for your bag to arrive you finally took the exit from the airport. A man with a sign spelling your surname greeted you and proceeded to taking your bags.
The ride through Gotham's street showed a much different city from what you had left. It was beautiful, still was, but it was also filled with tourists and in almost each shop one could find merchandise of a man clad in black reassembling a bat. You got curious.

"Who is he? The man I see everywhere in the shops." You asked the driver.

"Batman. Mysterious fella, but he has a heart of gold. At least most people think so." He replied with a faint smile.

"Most people?" Unsure of what he meant, you continued to ask questions.

"Well, some think he BRINGS trouble ya know? Personally I think trouble exists. He's just protecting us. Where would we be without 'im." He hummed slightly before speaking up again, "I'm surprised you're not aware of 'im! After all, your company is well established in the city, ya?"

Frowning, you got reminded of the entire plot that lead to you taking over the company. Some might think you'd feel fortunate, but at what cost? Not that you had any say in it all. No one had a say against the reaper.

"I guess that slipped past me..." You mumbled, leaning back in your seat.

Love and Loyalty (Batman x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora