Chapter 2

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"I know who she is." Oikawa stated annoyedly at him.

You walked away from the door, annoyed with the boy. Sure he was extremely attractive, but you learned from your past that there was usually nothing else to pretty boys who knew they were lookers.

You recognized the brown haired boy's name, your ex-boyfriend who was also one of your good friends, would frequently state how he should have come to Shiratorizawa or something along those lines.

Oikawa walked in through the front door, followed by your roommate, who disappeared to his bedroom briefly.

"You're quite rude (f/n)-chan." He said, crossing his arms over his chest, a smug look on his face.

"I don't see a problem with pointing out the truth. "

"Well I do." You raised an eyebrow at his response, so he knew you knew his stupid facade was fake.

Iwaizumi walked back into the room, before shuffling to the kitchen to start making some lunch for the three of you. Wanting to escape the awkward glare Oikawa was giving you, you worked your way to the kitchen, before sitting on top of the counter beside Iwaizumi.

"What's with him?" You asked, watching as he took a selfie on the couch, peace signs up and tongue out. Iwaizumi turned to look at his best friend, before grumbling something incoherent.

"He knows he's pretty, it's annoying." Iwaizumi said disgusted, before taking out some peanut butter for your sandwich.

"I can tell."

"But, pretty boys who girls swoon over piss me off even more." He growled, listening to the sound of Oikawa's phone being blown up with several notifications.

"So you must piss your self off too? In all honesty." You stated, swiping some of the peanut butter onto your finger.

"I'm not pretty."

"Fine, you're handsome. But, the difference is your real, he's...fake in a way? He uses his pretty face to conceal the person underneath, if there even is one." You then proceeded to lick your finger as Iwaizumi's jaw dropped, a very confused look on his face.

"What?" You asked, sliding off the counter to follow him to the couch, with a plate of sandwiches in hand.

"It took me years to know when he was faking a smile, every girl he has ever met as swooned over him, and have never been able to tell he was faking it. And you did it in the first minute," he stated, while Oikawa continued to stare down at his phone. Secretly, he had been listening to your not-so-quiet conversation with his best friend. Never once had he ever met someone, let alone a girl, who could see through the perfect face he wore. Especially someone as attractive as you.

"Well, guess he's never met someone like me then." You stated, sitting next to Iwaizumi on the couch as you nibbled on your sandwich.

Oikawa grunted at your response, he definitely wished to never meet someone like you ever again. Not only did you see through his smile, but you also did not swoon over him for his fantastic looks. That did not sit well with him at all.

"Iwa-chan! I head Tobio-chan is captain for Karasuno with shrimpy. Like he'll make a good leader, he's too into himself."

"Like you?" You asked, quietly taking another bite of your sandwich with an amused look on your face. You snickered, not sure what was funnier, the look of pure amusement on Iwaizumi's face or the irritated expression that replaced Oikawa's abnormally perfect one.

You weren't one to usually be rude, but you couldn't help yourself, especially since Kageyama was one of your close friends from Miyagi. It turned out your aunt and his uncle were dating, most likely to wed soon.

"You're quite rude (f/n)-chan." He said in a dangerously low tone, which caught Iwaizumi's attention.

"You're threatened by her, aren't you?" Iwaizumi asked, clearly interested in Oikawa's sudden change of character.

You raised an eyebrow, threatened by you? By the look on Oikawa's face when he had mentioned Kageyama's name, he must be threatened by him, certainly not you.

" Why should he be threatened by me? If anything he is threatened by Tobio, once Tooru-chan brought up his name, your eyes instantly darkened," you stated, studying Oikawa.

Oikawa had underestimated you, not only were you attractive, but you were extremely intelligent and just as good as reading people as he was, maybe even better. To add onto that, you were quite witty.

Iwaizumi eyes grew wide, before he let out a chuckle, his best friend definitely met his match.

"Do you know Kageyama-san?" He asked, finishing his sandwich.

"Actually, he's one of my good friends from Miyagi, so, Tooru-chan," you mimicked your voice to sound like Oikawa's," if you don't mind, I'd prefer if you didn't talk bad about him. He's definitely grown to be an amazing volleyball player and leader, although he's two years younger than you, I'd say he's catching up."

You leaned forward from your seat on the couch, before taking in the look on Oikawa's face. His handsome features were transformed into anger before it was replaced with a look of disgust.

"And by your reaction, I'm guessing that's one of your fears, isn't it? Well, it was nice getting to know you." You said, standing up as both Oikawa's and Iwaizumi's jaws dropped.

Holy shit were you good. While Oikawa was attempting to figure out your weaknesses, you had already discovered his.

"It was nice getting to know you too (f/n)-chan. I can't wait to pick apart the person underneath your flawless appearance." Oikawa said in a sing-song voice, although the smug look on his face said otherwise.

"Looking forward to it. Before I go, I have one question. Earlier you said you already knew my name? May I ask from where?" You asked the chocolate haired boy, who got up to shake your hand mock-politely.

"You're the talk of our university among the volleyball teams, as well as you were on the Japan's national u-18 volleyball team and on the cover of several magazines."

"Let me guess, the only reason why you know all those things is because you were on both teams, and on those magazines as well?"

Oikawa smiled, this time it was half-real, you were very smart, which annoyed him."I'm surprised you haven't heard of me."

"Well, don't feel too down about it, I never read the magazines, only modeled for them." Throughout his whole conversation with you, he could not pick up on any of your weaknesses, none at all. It seemed as you were flawless, but he knew better than that, especially since he was one of those 'flawless' people.

"I think you've met your match Shittykawa." Iwaizumi said from his position on the couch, watching as you both shook hands, smiles plastered to your faces.You smirked at your roommate's remark, catching the dangerous glint in Oikawa's eyes.

"I hate to break it to you, but, you're both going to end up falling in love with each other."

You dropped Oikawa's hand, an exasperated look on your face as you looked from Oikawa to Iwaizumi.

"There's no way in hell I'm ever going to fall in love with... that." Crossing your arms over your chest, you stormed off to your room.

Oikawa glared at Iwaizumi, who got up from the couch, taking the empty sandwich plate with him. "Never would I ever fall in love with her! She's so ignorant Iwa-chan!" He growled at his best friend, who wore an amused look on his face.

"You're just pissed she out Oikawa-ed you from the moment she opened that door. And that she's just as damn attractive and cunning as you. " Iwaizumi replied from the kitchen, watching as Oikawa's expression's morphed into a look of disgust.

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