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"Come on Mel" Addy (Melanie's roommate) yelled as she tugged Melanie's arm.

"We still have 6 hours till the concert, at least let me sleep for 5 more minuets" Melanie replied pulling the blankets over her head.

"Ummmm didn't you hear that Josh and Tyler are taking the first few people in line for a meet and greet!" Addy yelled again flickering the lights on and off.

"When the fvck did they ever say that!" Melanie replied.

"You are the worst person to take to a concert. COME ON OR ELSE I'M LEAVING YOU!" Addy blurted out.

"Ok ok I'm coming let me get ready and we'll go grumpy pants" Melanie laughed.

-1 hour later-


Melanie and Addy grabbed there bags filled with food, and other essentials and ran out of the door, only to be faced with dark clouds and the rainy streets

"You got to be freaking kidding me. Are you serious! God why today!" Addy started yelling at the clouds.

"Come on Addy lets go while the rain is here so no one will be waiting in line, we packed umbrellas for a reason right?" Melanie said trying to lighten Addy's mood.

"God Mel, if you weren't my friend I would have slapped you across the face and pushed you in the rain.... Let's go before I start yelling at the clouds again." Addy said reassuringly

The venue was fairly close to where Addy and Melanie's apartment was so it didn't take long for Addy and Melanie to get there.

While Addy and Melanie parked the car, they soon found out that they were not the only ones with that idea.

"God Melanie I can't believe it! I though that we actually had a change to be first today." Addy said frustrated

"It's ok let's just get the umbrellas and start waiting, right" Melanie sighed

"Shit, Melanie.... we might have a tiny problem" Addy said.

"No! Please tell me it's now what I think it is!?" Melanie responded

"It's exactly what your thinking about."Addy replied

"I guess we'll be standing in the rain. Shit, I can't believe we forgot the umbrellas when we clearly saw each other put them in our bags!" Melanie said frustrated.

Maybe it was a good thing that they didn't have umbrellas... who knowsssssss

Sorry this is so sucky so far, I am horrible at writing, and I know there are so many errors but I'm to stupid to actually find them. Hope you enjoyed!!

(Jelanie) Cake (not finishing)Where stories live. Discover now