chris was just waking up when sebastian had knocked on the door with his tux in his left hand. chris opened the door and let his best man in before going back and sitting on the bed. he only wore a pair of grey shorts and had major bed head. sebastian hung his suit in the closet before making his way over to the curtains and sliding them open. chris groaned, fell back onto the bed and put his forearm over his eyes, shielding him from the sun.
"you need to get up and get in the shower because you look like shit." sebastian said, before taking the room key and slipping it into his pocket. "be showered and dressed in something that doesn't smell like alcohol and smoke by the time i get back. i'm going to get breakfast."
chris groaned as sebastian stepped out into the hallway. chris sighed and got out of bed. sebastian had thrown his bachelor party last night, even though chris had vetoed any idea sebastian gave him. chris want to just hang out with his friends, have some pizza and maybe a few beers while watching the game but sebastian always has other plans.

chris was in the shower when sebastian got back to the hotel room with bagels and coffee. chris' tux was hanging on a hook that was nailed to the wall. sebastian set the coffee and bagels on the coffee table and walked over to the closet to get his tux out. when he reached up to grab the hanger, the gold band on the ring finger of his left hand caught his attention. he dropped his hand into his other hand and began twisting the ring on his finger. he could remember his own wedding day so vividly, he could still feel the butterflies in his stomach as rosalie walked down the aisle, and now his best friend got to experience the same feeling with the love of his life.

chris stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. he made his way over to the mirror and looked at his fogged reflextion. today's the day, he thought, the day that i get to spend eternity with my better half.


her defined figure was engulfed in white fabric and lace. size 8 white heels supported her feet. her hair was curled and half of it was pulled back to keep the hair out of her face. she wore her grandmother's old thumb ring for her something old, the pair of earrings she was wearing was her something new, she borrowed her mom's veil and for her something borrowed she had a blue necklace resting on her collarbone.
magnolia had dreamed of this day since she was 11. she could remember the many hours she spent planning her dream wedding. it's something every girl dreams about.
a hand fell gently on her shoulder and she looked over at her father, drawing out of her trance. he stood there in a neatly pressed tux with his greying nicely groomed. magnolia admired the sight of her father, she loved him with all of her heart. she was lucky to have him with her on her very special day.

magnolia's breath began to quicken and she felt her heart rate speed up. she picked up her dress and took a step back, she had to walk away and catch her breath. everyone was talking to someone, so nobody noticed her slip away onto the sandy island of maui. a gust of wind blew through her dress and her blonde curled hair. with her heels in one hand and the hem of her dress in the other magnolia walked down the sandy beach.
for a few moments she could feel the terrible doubts about marriage disappear and the joyful things to come enter. a high tide washed up onto her feet and she could feel the sand dancing around her toes.
i don't know if i can marry chris
i love him with all my heart
this is the moment that i've been wait for for my whole life and i've finally found the perfect man that wants to share this life with me
but what if we get divorced
what if we end up fighting all the time
we'll work it out
i love him with my whole being-
"magnolia!" the voice was too familiar.
magnolia spun around to see her fiancé running down the sand to catch up with his bride. a blanket of concern covered his face.
"chris! it's bad luck to see the bride before she walks down the aisle."
chris chuckled, at this point he was so nervous anything would make him laugh.
"magnolia what's going on?" chris said, out of breath. "why aren't you in line? they started reign of love so you could start walking and you weren't there. what happened?"
chris had a look of fear in his eyes, he didn't want magnolia to leave him. he wanted to spend the rest of his life with magnolia and that was a promise.
magnolia took a deep breath and looked up at chris. she was wrong about everything, this man had become her world and she couldn't live without him. she wanted to marry him.
"i'm ready now, nothing before that matters."
chris smiled, ready to put it all behind him and say i do to magnolia under the alter. he reached his hand out for her to take. intertwining her fingers with his, they walked back to towards the alter.
"i love you magnolia, now let me show everyone by marrying you under that alter with rings and vows."
"i'm ready to show everyone you're the love of my life." magnolia said leaning forward on her bare tippy toes to kiss him. their lips touched and jolts of energy went through magnolia's skin.
"i'll see you in just a minute under the alter."

wow i finally posted something, i feel terrible that it's taken this long to post something i'm so sorry y'all

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