I'll Fight For You

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You and Peeta were sitting on the porch of the bakery, holding hands and enjoying your time together before you had to leave.
"(Y/n), I wished you could stay longer..." Peeta said looking into your (e/c) eyes. You smiled and leaned toward him,
"Me too, but your mother doesn't like me..." you sighed at the truth of your own words. Peeta's mom truly didn't like you, truth be known she wanted, ( y/e -your enemy) to be Peeta's girlfriend instead. When he turned (y/e) down for you, his mom went ballistic and made you leave early every night, even if you and Peeta were only halfway through a movie.....
"Yeah....." Peeta sighed. You smiled, you didn't mind the whole his mom running you off thing. You just enjoyed spending time with him, "Peeta...I just like spending time with you...whatever else, doesn't matter..." you breathed leaning forward as his lips met yours. This kiss right hear was what you craved....because you didn't see him much, it was basically your drug. You love him and didn't ever want your lips to leave his.
"I'll fight for you then." Peeta breathed, catching his breath.
"Peeta are you nuts?!? She'll kill you!" You whisper/yelled.
"I don't care...I just wanna be with you...and, my dad will back me up on this...." you smiled at how your boyfriend was trying to convince you.
"Peeta!" The voice you'd been dreading the while evening yelled,his mother. "Time for her to leave.." she simply said. You sighed and kissed Peeta's cheek. As you stood, Peeta didn't let go of your hand.
"Mom....I know you want me to be with (y/e), but...I love (y/n), and...." he paused, he was shaking, you could tell he was terrified. " I wanna be with her, and dad will back me up when I say that (y/n/n - your nick name), has been the best thing that's ever happened to me." You smiled at his wonderful words and then his mother looked you over.
"I don't think so...Peeta, she's a seam girl and your the bakers son, it will never happen." Your heart was broken, as your frown grew and Peeta squeezed your hand tightly.
"I had better go Peeta....I-" You were cut off swiftly when Peeta's lips met yours. The shock was clear on your face, he was doing this in front of his mother! Pressed to the bakery wall, his mothers shocked face, and his moan into your mouth finally made you close your eyes and enjoy this while everything else washed away....
"Alright!" His mother finally yelled, ripping him away from you. "Get lost...and don't come back!" She yelled at you, which really hurt you.
"I'll fight for you (y/n)!" Peeta yelled after you.

Now, while laying on your bed, and crying you just couldn't believe that you weren't allowed to see him anymore. Your sobs were loud and your mother couldn't stand it. It was late and you heard the front door open, you sat up...what if it was peacekeepers coming to take you away for being a disturbance? You didn't hear your mom, and suddenly Peeta and your mother were standing in front of you. You lept from bed and almost tackled Peeta.
"Is this a dream?" You asked, Peeta chuckled a little.
"No...I need to ask you something...its serious." Peeta said, you blink tears away and nodded.
"(y/n), will you run away with me?" You were shocked and looked to your mom.
"If he makes you happy honey...you can go. Go to the safe house, its still off the map for the Capitol." You were shocked and happy.
"Yes!" You said and Peeta and your mom started helping you get supply and clothes. Once you had enough to last a while, you and Peeta said goodbye to your mom.
"Mom...promise you'll come visit." You said, your mom smiled and hugged you.
"Of course...." she breathed, you smiled and soon you and Peeta found yourselves in the safe house, it wasn't that far from 12, but you wouldn't ever be found there.

In the morning you sat at the kitchen table and smiled, you couldn't believe you'd done this! Peeta came into the room and you noticed a bruise across his cheek.
"Peeta what happened?" You asked shocked.
"Oh...after you left me and mom got into a heated argument and she slapped me pretty hard....then dad help me escape. He wanted me to be happy." he paused and wrapped his arms around you, seeing as you were standing now, looking at his cheek.
"That doesn't matter now, cause I have you....I said I would fight for you, and I did." He was smiling at you as you probed his cheek.
"Peeta...your cheek." You said with a sigh, but were once again caught off guard by Peeta's lips pressed to yours.......

(hope you liked it....um....any ideas??"

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