Chapter 1

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"WAKE UP!" My older sister Rachel shouted from the bottom of the stairs probably while applying her third coat of this new super glossy and gross lipstick she got a few days ago. It made me sick. She made me sick. It was 7:12 I slept in again must have been the late night Netflix that got me for the second day in a row.

My parents would flip if they were to find out I was late to school. So I quickly slipped on the first pair of shorts I could fine and a shirt I had worn yesterday not caring at al. Rachel had been waiting in the car checking her makeup probably for the fifth time. She rolled her eyes when she examined my choice of clothing then she just groaned, said something under her breath most likely an insult and pulled out of the driveway. So fast I jumped a little then laughed when I thought to myself "one of these days she's going to crash into something". She pretty much drove like that the entire way there only slowing down when a cop car drove by.

I got to school and as I was walking inside I remembered I left my lunch in the car on the back seat. I hurried into the building and speed walked down the halls till I found my locker, put my stuff away and reached into the pocket where I usually leave my phone but when I looked it wasn't there. Rachel must have took it out when she was hollering for a phone charger last night supposedly she was waiting for "an important call". I refused to give it to stating that it was my charger and that she had one of her own. I bet she took mine being the selfish individual she is. I frantically searched to see if maybe I left my iPod in backpack so I could at least text her. No luck, I walked down the halls to see if maybe one of my friends was there but why would they. I was already 11 minutes late to class. I then gave up on my lunch, grabbed my math stuff and cruised my way too first period.

I walked into class trying to act cool and relaxed but that didn't turn out well. My math teacher, her name was Ms. Jones and she was terrifying. She gave me a look which I couldn't decide if it was "YOUR LATE TAKE YOUR SEAT IMMEDIATELY!!!!" or the "UGH your late again you're going to fail anyways so who cares take your seat brat!" look but whatever it was it wasn't a good one. Math was boring, math is always boring, actually I don't think there was a day math wasn't boring this entire year and there's only a week and a half left of it ;). Most of my friends didn't show today probably all skipping and having a party without me. I'm cool with it though today me and this kid, Matthew were going skate boarding. I have no Idea how to skate so he's going to give me a few pointers while were there. Lunch came sooner than I thought and there this stupid rule that if you forget your lunch you have to have school lunch. Trust me eating the school lunches is like committing suicide. Before the lunch bell rang while we were all putting our books away I ran up to Cory, my best guy friend and asked to borrow his phone. I told him it was an emergency and by the look I was giving him he agreed. I gave a very fast thank you hug and ran to my locker as fast as my spaghetti legs could run. 

My locker is in a corner area so I usually have an advantage of using my phone it that area without the teachers seeing

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My locker is in a corner area so I usually have an advantage of using my phone it that area without the teachers seeing. I dialed my sister's number and waiting while it rang about a 100 times. The first few calls she didn't answer and I thought I should start saying my goodbyes now but the third time she answered. I begged her to come bring my lunch saying it was life or death. After begging for about five minutes she agreed and said she would be there in ten. Giving me exactly 20 minutes to eat. She arrived 25 minutes later and threw my lunch out the window before speeding away like a maniac. I promptly picked it up and ran inside just before the bell rang signaling that lunch was over and it was time for next period.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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