Chapter 2

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The children filed into the classroom like bees buzzing into a beehive, except the kids didn't want to work and simply wanted to escape from their broken families. Madame Gazelle sauntered into class twenty minutes late, and for once had a bag with something in it other than her drugs and a pack of condoms.

"Oi you cunts." She greeted the class in her usual manner, making herself comfortable on her broken chair.

"Good morning Madame Gazelle." The children chorused in a flat, unexcited tone.

"So today," Madame Gazelle paused to belch at the children, "I have some... business to take care of."

The children looked at each in confusion. What business could Madame Gazelle possibly have outside of one night stands, drugs and 'teaching?' However, all their questions were answered when they saw Mr Bull standing in the doorframe of the shack.

"Hurry up bitch, I only have half an hour before I have to go to work." He boomed into the room, making the walls shake. Richard's heart lurched as he remembered last night, when his dad made the walls shake with his voice.

"You okay?" George muttered under his breath. Richard nodded, smiling awkwardly.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming you fat slob." Madame Gazelle yelled at him. "Anyway kids, the law says I can't just leave you for the morning with nothing to do - unfortunately - so I've brought in something for you to do."

Edmund leapt to his feet, making a fanfare with his trumpety sound. "Is it A level physics? Because my dad-"

"Shut up you cock." Freddy hissed, before Danny got up and sliced off Edmund's trunk. Edmund sighed and sat down, upset that he couldn't tell the class all about 'cold energy.'

"No Edmund, we're not doing this A level physical or whatever it is. I've brought in some cameras and computers." She said, showing the class some Nokias she'd stolen from her last boyfriend. "Now, since hobo Joe is going to be covering your lesson..."

A cheer louder than Mr Bull's bellow earlier was emitted from the classroom. Hobo Joe was going to be teaching them this morning! Richard could feel the stresses of his abusive dad dissolving as he grinned and joined in with the colossal whooping for hobo Joe.

"Shut up." The children fell silent.

"Now, since hobo Joe is covering your lesson this morning, he thought he'd show you how to make sex tapes. Over to you, hobo Joe!" Madame Gazelle quickly left the classroom with only a dildo in her hand and went to have sex with Mr Bull in the playground (very loudly as well, to the children's disgust).

Hobo Joe stood at the front of the room. "Hey kids!"

"Hello, hobo Joe."

"Okay, there's no time to waste." He said, smirking and desperately trying to hide his erection. "Get into partners!"

The children weren't too sure what to do. Obviously Suzy and Danny went together, and poor Peppa went with Pedro to avoid going with Edmund (she knew he was gay so it didn't mean anything, right?). Richard looked shyly at George.

"Will you go with me?" George asked. Richard smiled awkwardly before agreeing.

"Oh Edmund, it looks like you're on your own. That's not surprising seeing as nobody likes you. HA!" Edmund cartwheeled out of the class to avoid being abused even more.

"Now, kids... Lemme show you how to make a sextape."

Richard, escaping for love Where stories live. Discover now