Chapter 1

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It's 7:00am and my alarm goes off on my phone. I wake up and just lay in my bed on social media. After 5 minutes of scrolling my mom comes in "Anastasia, mom says get up and get ready if you want a ride to school" Josè my older brother came in my room to get me "ughhhh" I groaned as I rolled out of bed and got ready. I went to my bathroom took a shower and put some hair products in my very curly and frizzy hair and for my outfit.

I came downstairs wearing a floral flowy top, skinny jeans, and brown sandals and I walked into the kitchen to see my mom and two of my brothers "Buenos Dias" I say smiling and everyone returns the greeting and I sit down and start eating my breakfast "where's Papá" I asked "Italy, he'll be back Wednesday" My mom said, my dads a diplomat so I feel like he's always gone and we used to all travel as a family but since my brothers started public school three years ago we really haven't traveled much together "are you sure you want to go to public school, if you stay home school you could be traveling with Papá" my mom continued "no mama this is my first time going to school and high school at that, I have to go" I reply to her, going to public school was José's idea and soon Alejandro followed but I continued homeschooling and I used to travel with my dad alone but now I want the high school experience "okay...Alejandro please keep an eye on your baby sister" my mom says to my other older brother "mama I don't need a baby sitter" I say raising my voice a bit "and I don't need her hanging around me making me look bad" Alejandro said and after that we were all in silence "ok kids get in the car we have to go or we will be late" my mom said as we all got in the SUV.

We pulled up to the school and my stomach was in knots and when we got out the car I took my moms earlier advice and stuck with Alejandro "why are you following me" he asked "because I'm nervous" I said back "not my problem now scram" he said as he kinda pushed me away and I fell onto  this guy with a Mohawk and piercings "HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR- oh" he said turning around realizing he was a senior who was yelling at a freshman "I am so sorry I am new here like very new, I've never been in high school before" I said " Don't worry about it" he said with a smile walking away "looks like someone's has a crush" a girl with blond hair said sneaking up behind me " and you are?" I said confused "oh my name is Lydia" she replies smiling "I'm Anastasia but you can call me Anna" I say smiling back "so who was that guy I was talking to" I ask "Duncan Gregg he is a senior and one of the three hottest seniors at the school" she said and I was a little upset that he was a senior "so Anna what's your first class" Lydia asked "History" I replied "ooouu same" she said as we walked down the hall together.

Lydia and I have every single class together and I was so relieved when lunch rolled around I had someone to sit with. When I walked in the lunch room I immediately saw Duncan and then I noticed he was sitting with my brother Alejandro along with another blond guy. I sat down with Lydia and surprisingly Alejandro waved "ew why is dick head waving at us, ugh I hate that guy he thinks he's all that just because his dumb father is a diplomat...I mean he doesn't even do that good of a job representing the country and why is he isn't he Spanish shouldn't he be representing Spain or like Mexico or what ever the fuck he is" she said and I was a little upset by that comment but I wasn't going to let it get to me because I didn't want to ruin this friendship "yeahhh umm Alejandro's my brother and the dumb diplomat is my father" I said back to her "oh my gosh Anna I am so sorry" she says "it's ok you didn't know" I said back and we finished our lunch and proceeded with our day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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