And #2 aka my beautiful baby boy and also my s/o Jisoo or Joshua

And #2 aka my beautiful baby boy and also my s/o Jisoo or Joshua

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I love them


Zodiac sign?

I am a virgo


What made you listen to Kpop?

I completely forgot how we got here but my best friend showed me BTS one day. I believe it was June 2015. Then I kinda fell out of it but when BTS released fire I got back into it and have stayed obsessed ever since!


Any band suggestions?

I really recommend Ladies Code. I'll put up a warning that you probably don't wanna get into them if you're not ready to bawl you're eyes out. I found them off a picture that was hating on one of the members. I was curious because the picture said that the girl was dead to I searched it up and I probably died that day. Im not gonna bring it up because I find it disrespectful to bring up the dead but all you need to know is that the two girls who would've been my bias sadly passed away. though it was a while back I pray that their safe and protected wherever they are <3

Another band I recommend is ShinEE. I love all their members so much and they are just the cutest. 

Also HOTSHOT. Please love and appreciate them. They need all the love in the world.


Favourite book at the moment?

On wattpad it has to be nerd rope by namjoon_boii <3. Its a really good book and its SUPER kinky at times and u know I love it. In real life I love 'A Work in Progress' by Connor Fanta. I read it like 5 times and I cry every time.


Have you dyed your hair? If so, what colour?

I dye my hair very often. Ive dyed it red, blue, brown and black. Currently its black with a bunch of different colours. I'll put some pictures.

 I'll put some pictures

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I have to cover my face for reasons but thats they best pictures I have sorry! I am dyeing my hair to orange and I'm changing my hair shape since its finally long enough to get the hair style I want! Im getting a straight bangs and my hairs at my ...

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I have to cover my face for reasons but thats they best pictures I have sorry! I am dyeing my hair to orange and I'm changing my hair shape since its finally long enough to get the hair style I want! Im getting a straight bangs and my hairs at my shoulders.


Favourite social media?

I really like Instagram and Tumblr tbh


Thats all the questions I have today. I found this 100 question tag that I though would be fun to do so Im gonna write it and once I release the new book I'll post it.

Now I'm gonna talk about the book since I promised. The first chapter is finished and all I have to do is edit it! Tomorrow is my last day before I go back to school so like I explained last chapter, I no longer am able to write chapters at a fast pace. I really want to get the new book out soon and I plan on editing it today. I just feel bad that I won't be able to release chapters while I'm in school so thats why I've been holding back on publishing it. Im pulling an all nighter today because the last night I have to stay up before school starts at any break I get (so winter, march, and summer break) I pull an all nighter. Im probably gonna end up falling asleep but we'll see. During these all nighters I like to get work done so I'm gonna edit the new chapter, write that 100 question tag, at least start the second chapter and finish my homework.

For school I have two FSEs which is essentially a final project that you do instead of an exam, and two exams. I have a FSE in business which will be my top priority because I have to make a website and thats hard work. I believe I have an FSE in art but I'm not 100% sure. I think I have an exam but its just drawing. And I have an exam in science and Geography which will kill me. 

Once the new semester starts I'll have time to do what I want but when exams come again I'm probably gonna take a huge break since I'll have exams in all 4 subjects. If you're curious I have Gym, Math, English, and French. Aka I'm dead lmao.

So thats all I wanted to update you guys on! I hope that you're having an amazing day and I wish to see you again soon!

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