Chapter 2

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Selena's PoV


After hanging up the phone, I cried historically. But I had to stay strong for both me and Hayden. "Hey buddy." I slightly smiled. I picked Hayden up from the play pen. "Me and auntie Demi are gonna take you to the park." I told him as I walked upstairs to the bedroom. I got him dressed into his light blue onesie and a pair of pants. I was already dressed so I went to Demi's room. She finally came back. She said she went to hang with friends. I walked to her door and knocked once "hey well be downstairs" I said through the door. "Alright! Coming" she yelled back. I walked down the steps to the kitchen. I started making a couple bottles for Hayden when I heard Pattie on the phone with someone. I say Hayden in his playpen and then walked over to the door to listen.


Pattie's conversation:


Hey scooter


Uh sure what is it?


Yea, i was hoping that would come up soon. She's barely been able to sleep. She sometimes has to cry herself to sleep.


No ill stay. Its their moment, as a family.


Alright. Ill try my best. I know they will both be more than happy


I only heard her side of the conversation but I still didn't understand what was going on. Why was she telling Scooter I've been crying so much? What "family moment" is she talking about? I tried to push the thoughts out of my mind. I quickly grabbed Hayden out of the playpen. I watched as Pattie walked past the kitchen door and go upstairs. I went back to making a bottle and getting his diaper bag ready. I continued to watch the stairs to see if she would walk back down. After about 5 minutes she did but with Demi. "Alright, change of plans. We are going on a trip." Demi yelled excited. "What?! Where?" I asked confused but excited as well. "Can't tell you. It's a surprise." She said sticking out her tongue. "Deeemmiiiii! You know I hate surprises." I whined. "But you will L-O-V-E this one." She smiled. "Are you almost done packing?" Demi asked peeking her head into the door. I nodded. She told me we were going somewhere cold. Considering its almost December, it was cold almost everywhere. I made sure to pack a few pairs of pants, some shirts, and about 3 pairs of shoes. After that I packed all of Hayden's thing, shoes, shirts, pants, diapers, toys, etc. After about 10 minutes, Demi came into the room. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded. I was semi excited, only because I didn't know where we were going. I grabbed our bags and sat them by the door. "Make sure you guys have fun." Pattie said. She handed me Hayden and gave all of us hugs and then we headed toward the car. There were paparazzi around our gates. "Quick! Duck your head." Demi yelled at me. "Well I'm glad we didn't go to the park." I laughed. Demi snuck us into the car. "Can you at least tell me what were going tonight?" I asked as I bulked Hayden into the carseat. "Um, a concert?" She said. "What? You know Hayden can't go into a place that loud." I said a little upset. She knew he was only a month old. I doubt he can handle something like that. "Trust me. Ill be fine. Because you've been wanting to go to this concert for a while now." She said with a big smile. "I haven't even mentioned anything about a concert." I laughed. "Oh um well then. Ugh stop asking questions. Lets just say, they are one of your favorite people." She laughed. "Fine." I said annoyed. We reached the plane in no time. I wasn't surprised when I saw it was a private jet. Well maybe a little. We piled out of the car and got on the jet before the paprazzi could see us. The plane men loaded all of our things. I put Hayden in his carseat and bulked him in, next to me. "We're gonna go bye bye" I said in a baby tone. I put my finger close to his had and he grabbed it. I smiled to myself. "Wake me when we get there?" I asked looking over at Demi. She smiled and then nodded.


I was asleep for what felt like 10 minutes. "How long was I out?" I asked Demi as I stretched my arms in the air. "About 2 and half hours." She said looking at her phone. "Really? That long? We're are we going? China?" I questioned. Demi laughed but ignored my question. Something is up with her. I looked at Hayden and be was still asleep. I looked at my phone and it was nearly 3, which meant where Justin was it was 6. He had to do a show in about an hour. I decided to give him a call a littler earlier than usual. I scrolled through my phone until I found his name. I clicked on it and it started to ring. It rang a few times until he finally picked up. "Hey Baby" Justin said. "Hey, I know you have a show in an hour but I couldn't wait." I smiled. "It's fine. How are you? What are you up too?" He asked. "Actually I have no idea. Demi is taking me and Hayden on a trip but I'm not sure where." I told him. "What? You took him out of the house? Did they see you? Follow you?" He continued to question. I knew he was talking about the paps. He always worried about them. EspecialI when I step outside, which isn't very often. "Yes and yes are fine. They didn't see us or anything." I said. "Okay good. Just make sure to stay away from them. I don't want you getting hurt." He said worriedly. "I promise ill be safe." I reassured him. We sat there slightly for a few minutes just listening to each other breathing. "5 minutes Bieber! Meet and Greets are about to start!" Someone yelled from his side of the phone. "I guess ill let you go." I slightly smiled. "I love you." He said, his voice cracking. "I love you more." I said before hanging up. Always the worst part of the day. Saying good-bye.

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