Omega and Alpha story

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I crave his touch, but I can't he has a girlfriend. It's probably just the heat, that's making him and I act lik this.

"Fuck" I yell

I push myself up and go to the bathroom to take a shower. Walking into the bathroom I stop in the mirror running my fingers on my neck, planted right there on the side of my neck visible as day, lays a hickey.

Laughing a bit to myself "We have school tomorrow, and look at what you did"

*time skip (basically the shower scene, to lazy to write that part)*

I walk out of my bathroom, sweatpants and a tight top on, the towel still on my head. I go over to my bed and crawl on it, his scent still lingering on my sheets.

Closing my eyes I fall asleep.

Waking up to my alarm go off I hit the off button and roll over. Groaning I push myself up into a sitting position and rub my eyes. I see my pants on the floor, I always take off my pants in the middle of the night. I've done even since I was a little kid.

"I don't want to go to school" I speak laying back down

I hear my phone go off and check it.

~ Don't you dare thinking about skipping today lol I know you bud, come to school I gotta tell you something
               From: Ian

Tch, I put my phone down and look around my room, not searching for anything but to just buy me some time. Knowing it's not gonna help me I get up and walk over to my dresser, pulling my shirt off. I turn and grab a hoodie laying on my floor and slip on my jeans, I pull on some socks and slip on my vans. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

"Hey uncle can I stay home today?" I beg

"Nope you have to go" he smiles as he walks to me

"Uugghhh" I laugh a bit back

"Also hide that hickey I can smell him on you, even though you got a shower that mark gives off his smell. The Omegas wont smell it, the Bettas will only faintly smell it, but the Alphas will definitely smell it" he speaks a bit seriously to me

"Alright thanks, bye" I speak softly pulling up my hoodie a bit

I walk out of my house to meet my friend, we talk about random stuff as usual as we make our way to the school. Upon walking in I see Mathews girlfriend giggling with her friends, we make dead eye contact as I see her inhale. I get grabbed by a pair of familiar hands, and see it's Blake, my bestfriend.

"Hey why were you staring at Julie?" He questions me

"I'm not sure" I respond

We walk into our classroom and take our seats next to each other. He is an Omega but is already marked by his soulmate, they fit each other very well. No one will do anything or say anything bad to him because of his Alpha boyfriend, which may I add is one of the schools teacher. Nobody really cares about that, because it happens a lot.

"How are you and your man?" I ask him

I see a tint of pink run across his cheeks

"Good" he smiles

"That's good" I smile back looking over at him

"What's that?" He says point at my neck

Without thinking I smile "nothing"

"Ooo did you get yourself someone?" He says nudging me

As the bell rings everyone takes there sear in the classroom, someone takes roll call to make sure everyone is here, once the person is done we get about 30 minutes to do whatever it is we do and then class begins. I look over and see Mathew sitting in his seat.  He makes eye contact and looks away, I get up and make my way over to him.

BOYXBOY (ONE-SHOTS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora