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The man trained me for months.
How to fight.
How to use a gun.
How to defend myself with no weapon.
He taught me how to speak like a normal human.
Now it was time.
"Are you ready Shadow?"
"I am always ready."
He opens the door to a younger man. A man with black hair, with the tips green. He had a snake tattoo on his wrist. I stood from my seat and took a step forward. The young man walks around me, studying me.
"So this is your masterpiece?"
"Yes. Looks like the real one, huh?"
The young man walks back to the scientist, "Very.."
The young man snaps his fingers, another man with a snake tattoo comes inside the room and drops a sack in. The sack was filled with something, it was overfilled too.
"I'll be taking her now."
The young man signals the other man to take me.
"Can you handle her?"
"Of course I can handle her!"
The man grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room.
The scientist jabs something into my ear.
"What is that?" The younger man asked.
"Just in case you can't talk to her in person."
My eyes close.
Program shutting down.
Program going online.
Installation of data in progress.
Checking for updates.
Checking for viruses.
My eyes opened. I scanned.
"Alright..so you're name is 'Shadow'?" The young man asked.
"Yes, and you are?.."
"Kovu. Kovu Hitachi." He said.
"Greetings, Hitachi, I am at your service."
He smirks. He leads me out of the current room and down a hall.
"So, I am sure you're friend the scientist had told you about the girl."
"Yes. However her name is unknown."
"Her name is Regina. But she goes by Rikkun to hide her real name."
"Why is Regina dangerous?"
"She's a killer. She killed half of my men. Some assassinated by her."
Kovu's voice changed. He did not like to talk about the girl. He must hate her to death.
"I need you to get answers from her friend. Alright? Even if it means pulling the trigger." He says as he opens the door.
I nod amd walk in.
He closed the door.
I notice a young boy tied to a chair.
It was the boy in the video.
The boy with orange-brown hair that was spiked up.
"I told you I don't know where she is at you-" he looks up and stops, "Regina?.."
"No. I'm not her."
"What? You look like her...you have to be her.."
"No. I'm just here for answers" I sat on the nearest table snd crossed my legs, "Now tell me about her."
"No! I'm not telling you shit! You're just a fake!"
I slapped him along the face.
"I am no fake! I am real! Now tell me where she is or I'll blow your head!"
"I won't tell you! I don't even know where the hell she is! It was years ago since I last seen her!"
I stood up and point the gun to his head.
"What is your name?.." I asked.
"K-Kai Ninjagu.." He tried to back his head up as he spoke.
I put my gun down.
"Tell me what you know about her, Kai Ninjagu."
"Sh-she's a young girl. She loves adventures and horror. We were kids when we met. She had a pure heart. She was nice to others and would help them in need. She loved animals, most of wolves and foxes. She loved cats too.." He looks away for a moment.
I made the gun click, making him jump.
"A-and that's it! That's all I know!"
I heard the door behind me open.
"Thank you for your time, Kai." I said as I stepped out of the room.
The door closes.
"Get anything?" Kovu asked.
"Not out of the particular."
He scuffs, angered.
Then he stops. He looks at me.
"You can trick someone!"
He told me about another boy the girl had met along her ways. The boy with curly hair. Kovu told me how he had seem them interact pretty well.
"Its romance they have. They like each other, Shadow. Do you think you can handle that?"
"What is emotion? What is romance?" I asked him.
He rolled his eyes, "Emotion is feelings in your heart. Romance is another word for love, which is a feeling."
"What is feeling?"
"Want to know what a feeling is? A feeling is this." He pulls me to him and kisses me. My eyes widen.
What am I feeling?..Is this a feeling?..An emotion?
He pulls back and folds his arms.
"That's a feeling.." Kovu said as he looks away.
I cover my mouth a little.
"Ahem, anyways, lets get you to that boy. I'm sure you know where he is right?"
Kovu leads me outside and points to the forest, "Go on. You know your mission."
I nod and take shape into a black wolf and run into the forest.

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