Chapter two

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(Note: sorry it took so long to finish the second chapter! Hey, did you guys even know I was making chapter two? Neither did I! But since I watched ep 2 of the anime I was like, "dude we need to finish chapter two and stop procrastinating." So I did. Hope you all enjoy!)

"Elias, Elias, it's time to wake up my little apprentice." A soft chuckle escaped from Chise's lips while holding his small head in her lap. Elias' small beaded eyes slowly look up at Chise seeing the smile on her face and quickly stumbles up, oh no is he in trouble now? Is he going to be punished for being out last night with the faeries?

"Stay calm Elias, there's no need to rush getting up in the morning." Chise chuckled again, softly petting his head. He looked around the bedroom making sure yesterday wasn't just a dream and he wasn't trapped in a cage again. Everything is just so sudden and he still can't come to grips with it either, why is everything so...nice? Elias could feel the gentle wind breezing through the open window and the slight smell of something cooking from downstairs. "Come on Elias, it's time for breakfast. We have a big day ahead of us."

"Big day? For what?" Elias huffed trying to get his small body down from the large bed and stumbled down. Chise helps him to his feet before leaving quickly as she arrived. The small creature tries to hurry behind her, but stopping in front of the kitchen doorway and was alerted by the smell of multiple plates of food spread throughout the kitchen table. Silky was busy cooking food and doing the morning chores, her face had the same blank expression looking at the small creature like it did the last time, but pulled out a chair for him anyhow. He wiped the drool on his jacket then sat at the table and glared at all the plates of food. Elias only remembers the meats and blood that they'd served him along with all the other creatures locked up in cages or chains and now he's getting real human food. He tried to mind his manners and constantly looked up at Chise then back at the food excepting an order or some sign clarifying that he could eat, Chise eventually notices.

"I want you to be prepared for today, so please, eat anything you see here at the table." She smiles sipping some tea.

Elias hesitated before grabbing a plate and eating whatever Silky put on it quickly. He never had anything this good in his entire life, what was he eating anyway? It tasted sweet, rich, and...

Silky tries not to let Elias' messy eating and bad manners get the best of her. Everything was getting so messy and covered in syrup from the pancakes he was eating. Chise looked completely indifferent as usual. Poor Silky, now she had to deal with TWO messy eaters in this house and went over, wiping the mess away from Elias' jaws.

After breakfast, Chise immediately grabbed her staff and started flipping through pages in a strange looking book. Elias curiously follows behind and climbs onto the side of the chair Chise was sitting on, he was surprised not to see the book filled with magic spells or curses, but with photos of humans and other creatures. Some of the photos where in color and some in black and white; Chise stopped at a certain person. His hair was put up in a ponytail and wore a cross around his neck.

"Elias, my dear apprentice." She says looking up from the book to him, "would you mind standing over there for me?"

Elias looked over at the spot and immediately jumped from the chair, going over to stand a few feet away from her. He titled his head as Chise points her staff at him.

"Don't move dearie, this will be real quick!" She smiles and the staff's eye started glowing brightly.

Elias tilted his head, "what do-"

Before he could finish, a blast of red light shot out of her staff and surrounded the small creature engulfing him in red light. He could hear the chants of mysterious voices and feel the rush over magic overcome him. When he opens his eyes, Elias looked around and back at Chise obviously confused. "What did you do?" He says going back to looking around.

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