Random Facts #2

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Time for some WTF fun facts! Not sure if they're true or not but they should be!

1. Benjamin Franklin wasn't trusted to write the Declaration of Independence (USA) as it was feared he would put a joke in it

2. Jackie Chan's mother was a opium smuggler and her father was a spy

3. Stephen Hawkings once tried to find potential time travelers by throwing a party and only sending out invitations after the party. 

4. A man who was lost in the woods chopped down some power lines so that workers would have to come and rescue him

That's actually pretty smart!!

5. People who use a lot of swear words tend to be more honest & trust worthy, human behavioural studdies suggest

6. Nelson Mandela has a monument at the site in South Africa where he was arrested 50 years ago

7. Cat's headbutt people who they trust and makes them feel safe

8. In Tunisia you can book an overnight stay in Luke Skywalker's boyhood home for only £6.11 

9. In case you didn't feel old yet, the lion king came out 19 years ago. Your welcome 

That's older than me! 

10. Animal Planet made a fake documentary about the existance of mermaids twice. People fell for it both times

11. A theatre in Paris has shown the movie 'Life of Pi' in floating boats

12. Watching horror films can burn up to 200 calories- same as a half hour walk. Scary films burn more calories than any other genre

13. Each episodes of Games of Thrones costs £3.6 Million to produce

14. Shrek was modelled after a real person named Maurice Tillet

15. Farting helps reduce high blood pressure and is good for your health

16. Due to the new discovery of many brain parasites, scientists say that a zombie apocalypse is actually possible

17. Until its 2013 surge in popularity, the single largest consumer of kale in the U.S. was Pizza Hut who used the leafy vegetable, not for food, but to decorate its salad bars

18. Sitting straight upright in your chair is bad for your back. instead you should slouch at a 135 degree angle

I need to tell my school about this!!! I get yelled at everyday for slouching xD

19. Russian Pizza Plate Roulette- the one who gets shot pays the bill

20. if you put a piece of pineapple somewhere in your mouth it will start eating you. It has proteins that degrade meat

21. There is a mushroom that grows in the wild and taste like fried chicken. It is called Laetiporus

22. Studies show that sandwitches actually taste better when other people make them for you. When we make food we get desensitised to the smell

23. A grown man once hunted down and attacked a child who killed him several times in Call of Duty

24. Video games help train the brain to make faster real-life decisions

25. Every character you kill in Asassin's Creed was a real person and the date and location of their death was accurate 

Okay that is just really creepy!

26. Video games work better at battling depression than counseling does

yeah, its true. I would know

27. In 1770 the British Parliament passed a law condemning lipstick, stating that "woman found guilty of seducing men matrimony by a cosmetic means could be tried for witchcraft"

28. Sleeping on your stomach can induce weirder, scarier, and sexier dreams

Hmmm maybe I should try this ;)

29. Evil clowns can be hired to stalk your children for a week before their birthday. 

30. in mediaeval baghdad, if you translated a book into Arabic, you'd be given that books weight in gold.

31. The city of New York paid only $5 million for the land that would become Central Park. Today, the real estate would be worth more than $530 billion!!

32. Ethiopia has 13 months, is still in the year 2005, and celebrates New Years on 11 September

I've never even heard of that

33. Canadian post has assigned Postal Code H0H 0H0 to the north pole 

34. There is a village in the Netherlands with no roads. The only form of transportation is boat

35. Liscence plates in the Canadian Northwest Territories are shaped like polar bears!

36. Subway ticket machines in Moscow, Russia accept 30 squats as its payments

I wish they had those in London!

37. "Monowi" is a town of Nebraska, USA that has a population of 1, the mayor pays taxes to herself 

38. The deepest swimming pool in the world is located in Brussels, Belgium. It has depths of 33 metres!!!! (108 ft)

That's creepy.. I wouldn't wanna swim in that..

39. The burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai now provides guests with gold iPads!

40. There is an island near Italy that was the site of wars, a dumping ground for plgue victims and an insane asylum. It's considered so dangerously haunted that the Italian government does not allow access to the public.

And that will complete random facts #2 because I think 40 facts is enough :)

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