Graduation Part 2

Start from the beginning

You knew it was childish, you knew it was irrational, but you were guided by pain as you turned off your phone and curled in a ball on your bed, never answering him back.

Of course, Todoroki was worried, he didn't want you to be mad at him, but he also felt annoyed by the fact you couldn't understand just how important it was for him to stay. Citizens needed him, it was his duty as a hero to protect them! And if you of all people couldn't understand that...well, then it was not his problem.

You spent about a month without talking to each other, until one of his scarce days off Todoroki called you to talk things out. You both agreed distance was the culprit of the misunderstanding, that you missed each other, and that it was making you tense. He still had to stay there for another two months, but after all the time you had waited already, two months didn't sound like a long wait at all.

After that episode, you started talking regularly again, yet not with the same fluidity as before. An infinite amount of worries were haunting your head, you couldn't help but think that maybe, once you saw him again, you wouldn't feel the same anymore. What if the butterflies stood asleep inside your stomach? What if your blood didn't rush to your cheeks? What if your heart never raced again from that constan, monotonous rhythm?

What if you didn't love each other anymore?

Suddenly, two flight attendants opened the gate, and a wild stampede of jet-lagged, sleep deprived people emerged from the hallway in an almost apocalyptic manner. You gulp, a shiver traveling up and down your spine as your eyes scaned the crowd impatiently.

But it wasn't you who found him, he was the one who found you.

As your gaze fell into the image of his paralyzed, standing figure, his eyes wide, his mouth agape, his fingers trembling as they ineptly held the strap of his was him, it was the true, for real, not fictional, flesh and bone him. Suddenly, the airport and the approaching horde became unimportant and fogged in the background. All you could see, as the memories and repressed need fired your chest with so many blazing emotions, was Todoroki staring at you from afar.

He was certainly buffer, his hair was a mess possibly as a result of the uncomfortable flight, and he was definitely kind of taller too...but there was no doubt, it was him, the real one, your best friend and lover, and who your sanity had been craving for the past two years. His hair, his eyes, even his damn scar, it all looked so beautiful right then. It all powered your engines as you unthinking began to walk towards his arms.

His feet began moving almost at the same time as yours did. All the doubts, the qualms, the worries that'd been stealing his sleep during the flight, all kept gradually letting go of him with each step he gave. The closer you got, the loosened the grip of your fears became. An aching, insatiable hunger you had both carried inside your chest was suddenly fussing like a dog who smelt a pray, and was driving you two faster, desperate, closer to each other...util it was finally tamed with an embrace.

Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his neck and you felt the grip of his now stronger arms around your waist, pulling you close, trying to make you a part of him again. You sunk your nose in his neck and smelled, not even the glint of sweat of the different brand of shampoo he was using could fool you as you expertly recognized and absorbed his scent, and oh gosh, since when were you addicted to that smell? You sobbed into his shoulder as he held you tight, and placed needy, rampant kisses everywhere he could reach. Cheek, ear, jaw, neck, no part was safe from his starving lips as he continued to plant kiss after kiss.

"I can't believe it" you cried, almost inaudibly between the fabric of his shirt "it's you, it's really you!"

"Yes, it's me" you swore you could hear his voice cracking, and as he pulled away to look at your face and dry your happy tears, his eyes were certainly watery as well "I'm here, [name], and I'm here to stay"

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