E n o u g h | Sting Eucliffe

17 3 0

Hey, I'm not yet good at these things so I bet this one sucks. Hahah. Just enjoy, sis.

Dedicated to: Dandere_Blonde

Ok, I suck at these. This is just a flashfic I made for my beloved sister. Heheh~


" Don't you love me anymore? "

  These words had been ringing on his head for about twenty times already. It had bugged him for almost the whole entire day, even when he was doing something in his guild, she didn't even come visit the place itself.

  " She's been acting.. rather strange these past few days, " he mumbled to himself as he walked by the streets.

  It was past 2 pm already and that was early for him to come home, he just had a bad feeling that she would do stupid things because she didn't even dare visit and just stayed home. A thought came into his head but he quickly shrugged it off, forgetting about it quickly.

  " Stupid, why would you think she would do that, Sting? Are you being dumb or what? " he muttered to himself before sighing and stopping right in front of a dark brown wooden door.

  Opening the door, he announced that he was home. He expected a reply from the female or maybe the female running down the stairs to greet him with a hug and a kiss but no, nothing happened. Not even a sight of a girl was seen nor was a reply. It was rather getting strange already and this bad feeling hit him again. Quickly, he ran up the stairs to her room, knocking furiously as he called out her name.

  " Crystal! Are you there? "

  A reply? No. Not even a single word was said back but he knew that she was inside, doing something. Something that gave him another bad feeling.

  " Crystal, please reply. "

  Surprising, he knocked on the door softly, calling out her name with a pleading tone.

  " Shut up! I don't think you need me any longer! "

  Finally, a reply. But that reply struck him like an arrow thrown at the target, hitting it with great force. Slowly, he opened the door and he was greeted with a sight of chaos. All things scattered, porcelain shattered, pages and sheets on the floor, pens spilled, and crystal particles on each sheet. What hit him the most is a scene in the middle of the room. A female who had a well-sharpened crystal knife by her hand, pointing at her neck while her hands were all bloody.

  " No! Don't-- "

  " Don't you dare say anything! You can't stop me with this! "

  " Crys, please don't do this. "

  " Shut up! All you think about is absolutely about the guild! "

  " Look, I know- "

  " I don't want to hear your reasons! I've had it! No more! This is already too much for me to handle. "

  " Please, Crys. Listen- NO! "

  A cry was heard escape from his mouth, now sobbing with regret as he fell down the floor with clutched fists. For the first time, he had lost someone who was special. Someone who had cared for him so much that he didn't even notice her.

And with that, he knew that she already had enough.


Oh, for goodness sake. That was the worse I could do for you, sis. Sorry! Geez, I'm already cringing so much that I want to screech and slap someone.

And again, I end this. Ah, sorry if that was like that worse. Kamisama, I really need to practice my writing skills. Ok, that ends it here, I don't want anymore. See you in the next random thing. Bye!

..600 Words Included..

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