Touch. Chirrut's hand closed around Baze's wrist, just as his fist was about to collide with his stomach. He pushed Baze's hand away, and held his hands up, in fists.

Murmurs rippled amongst the ongoers. Words like amazing and miracle and wonder were tossed about them, and Chirrut turned to Baze.

There was an edge of a smile in his voice. "Not bad."

Chirrut breaked into a grin. "Thank you."

And then, Chirrut fell.


BAZE'S LUNGS FELT CRUSHED AGAINST HIS RIBCAGE. Laughing for two minutes straight without breathing tended to do that. Chirrut was  annoyed, not looking Baze in the eye.

"I cannot believe," Baze wiped away a fake tear, "you fell for that."

"Shut," Chirrut hissed through clenched teeth, "up."

Baze silenced, and gave Chirrut a look. He burst out laughing again.

Chirrut sighed.

"You still have a little dirt on your face," Baze said between his spasms of laughter.

Chirrut let out a grunt, lying down on his bed and turning away from Baze, a silent 'dick' comment in the air.

"Hey," Baze leaned forward from his chair and gently prodded Chirrut's shoulder. "Are you mad at me?"

"No," Chirrut replied. "I'm mad at the dirt on my face and that you put it there."

"When I kicked your ass," Baze added, not even sorry.

Chirrut huffed, curling up, trying to maximize the amount of space between him and Baze in the tiny room they're in.

"Hey," Baze prodded him again. "Sorry. I mean it."

Chirrut was silent.

Baze sighed. "I can't train you if you won't talk to me."

No response.

Baze scrubbed at the side of his face with his palm, thinking. "There's a hot springs place at the edge of town, and it's ten times better than the icy ones you'll get here. Maybe it'll help your anger against the dirt on your face."

Chirrut snorted in response. "I don't have the money to go to a kriffin' hot spring, Baze."

"I'll pay. For you." Baze offered. "My peace offering."

Chirrut sat up, turning towards him. "You will?"

"Yeah. I've been to the place a few times, it's clean and everything--" Baze paused, before adding, "I'll even go with you, if you'll have me."

Chirrut blinked. "Okay."

"Okay? As in you'll--?"

"Yes, Baze, I will go with you."

"Okay," Baze grinned.

Something in his chest wrenched, and Baze's face fell, as he realized how his proposition sounded like.

He just asked Chirrut to bathe with him.

And Baze didn't know why, but that made his heart beat a little faster.

- xiao wei / little wei


a/n: DO YOU EVER JUST CRY BECAUSE YOU MADE AROUND 500000 INNUENDOS IN A SINGLE FIC ALONE LIKE CAN YOU BELIEVE + remember that one line where baze just went "make me get off" when he was sitting on chirrut ??? the first draft of this had the words "get me off" in its place can u believe that i wrote those three words together in that exact order in the same sentence while a character was sitting on another dude i just cAN'T

also !!! baze calling chirrut xiao wei, bcus hes imWE geddit HAHAH i love chinese i can finally use this third ass language i suffer at to Good Use

and ooOoooh baze just messed up and made an ~indecent proposition~ and he doesn't know what to do oh well i guess he just has to get naked with chirrut oh bother ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) what ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) tragedy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

and to keep y'all hyped for the next chapter here's what it'll include:
- chirrut talks to a bunch of gals at the hot springs and digs up some info on baze hMmm i wonder what it is
- chirrut finding out that his mentor is probably (most definitely) a hunk ????
- they're gonna sit on a rooftop that's like my no.1 go to Fuel The Romance theme song are y'all ready for the gay

exhale ; chirrut + bazeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu