“Sorry but we really do need to have a chat with Georgie,” Ollie explains politely to my sister’s star-struck neighbour. She nods without being able to formulate a reply. Ollie flashes her a slight smile before turning his back to usher Georgie and I into the flat before we create a scene for the whole corridor to enjoy. “Can I just say I think you’re brilliant and your last film totally helped me to get through a really bad break up,” the neighbour stammers, finally finding her words. “Err thanks, glad I could help,” he replies kindly. “Well goodbye then,” he adds once Georgie and I have walked through the doors.

“Goodbye,” she sighs lost in a daydream. A little awkwardly Ollie then closes the door leaving the three of us to silently gather in the entrance.

“Would you like to tell me why you have barged into my home?” Georgie asks shortly. I am about to answer her question quite rudely but Ollie cuts in very quickly before I can even speak. “We just heard an unpleasant rumour and we came here to get our facts right,” he says calmly.

“And what was that?” Georgie asks not the least bit put off by the ominous tone to Ollie’s voice.

“We were told you instructed someone to invite Natasha to the wedding,” I answer. I hate even just allowing her name to escape through my lips. I hate who she is as a person, I hate what she did to me and most of all I hate what she did to Ollie. I can’t even imagine her at my wedding. The situation is so horrible that my brain can’t even comprehend it. “Oops sorry,” she says with a malicious sneer.

“You mean it’s true?” Ollie asks. His voice is quiet but it is shaking with rage.

“I think I recall a conversation with Cora to that affect,” she says nonchalantly.

“Don’t you dare just sit there and smile. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” I ask in indignation.

“Like I said, oops,” she simpers.

“You’re jealous aren’t you?” I snap angrily. She doesn’t say anything she just sighs in disgust but we all know I have hit the nail on the head. “You can’t stand it that for once I am not in your shadow. It doesn’t feel nice to know I’m not there below you to make yourself look better, does it? So what, instead of just moving on with your life you have to ruin the things that are finally going right in my life?” I ask furiously.

“Oh would you just shut up? You’re acting like you are royalty or something. All you’ve done is lucked your way into a good job and roped this idiot into marrying you! As if I am jealous of you,” she retorts childishly.

“I don’t want to look down on you! I don’t want to have to be constantly competing with you. You are my sister, you’re meant to be my bridesmaid. Instead of worrying about who is better than who can’t you just be happy for me? All I want is a sister. For my entire life you’ve never given a shit about me. I kept hoping that one day we would grow out of it. When you went to uni I thought the distance would finally bring us closer but it didn’t. I thought when we were both graduated and adults we would finally be able to act like adults around each other but of course we didn’t. But you have never seen me as a sister, you’ve only ever seen me as competition. So instead of supporting me you have always just looked for ways to put me down and I am sick of it. You know what? You’re not invited to the wedding, come on Ollie. We’re done here.” I grab Ollie’s hand and get myself out of the flat because I am so mad I can’t even stand to look at her. I attempt to brush away tears with a hand shaking with anger.

We storm to the end of the corridor together and then in frustration I stop in my tracks. “I’m sorry Iz,” Ollie says in a whisper. I give up on the pretence of hiding my tears and sob onto his shoulder while he presses his cheek comfortingly onto my head. “I’m going back in,” I say but my voice is muffled as my head is so deeply buried into his shoulder. “What did you say?” he asks gently, clearly not hearing me first time around. “I need to go back in,” I repeat bringing my head off his shoulder to look him in the eyes.

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