Fade Away

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Fade Away

Since you have been gone,

There was a void to be filled.

I had never realized the time you consumed.

You became part of my routine,

Affecting me in so many ways.

So when you left,

My world was no longer the same.

I remember our time,

But mainly the space that you filled.

If I allow myself,

I can still feel you near.

I refuse to relive our moments together,

It is as if you were still hear.

The truth is you are gone,

You left me all alone

Making me heal,

My heart on my own.

Thankfully my feelings have started to fade,

I have a hard time recalling,

The words you had said.

At first when you left,

I thought my heart would bleed.

I was afraid,

I lost the woman I use to be.

I will not say I did not cry,

There were many tears that I shed.

Through the distance of time,

You will clearly fade away.

Allowing me to find happier days.

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