Moving In

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Trevor's POV

I wake up and around 12:00 a moving truck pulls up to my house. People come in and help me move all of my stuff out and into the moving trucks. I am really excited, but kind of nervous. I have a little confession. Ricky Dillon is one of my best friends, but I sort of like him a little more than that.


A moving truck arrives at all of the boys houses, and helps them move. At around 1:30 all of the boys are at the house.

Ricky's POV

We all are at the house "wow!" We all say in sync looking at the huge house in front of us. "From today on for one whole year you will be living together. All of the cameras are set up, remember there are none in bathrooms or bedrooms. Every month we will come and show you what we have gathered and that month will be one season of the show." A man says to us all. "Ok" we say.

Shane's POV

I'm really excited, because all of these people are my best friends. "However there is one catch." The man says to us. We all look at each other. "What is that?" I ask. "There are only two rooms, but there are two beds in each room." He says. "You guys decide who goes with who." He says then he gets in his car and yells out the window "good luck" and drives away along with the moving trucks.

Ryland's POV

"Well this is gonna be fun." I say smiling. "I'm just glad I know you guys and your not random people." Shane says. "Alright so who is going with who?" I ask

Trevor's POV

"I'll go with Ricky" I basically yell. "Ok then I'll go with Shane" Ryland says starting to smile. "I knew it and I always have!!" I think to myself. "Ryland likes Shane" I say in my head smiling. We all go inside and find the two rooms right next to each other. "We will take this one" I hear Shane and Ryland say. "Alright" I yell back then set my bags on one of the beds. Ricky sets his on the other bed. I go out and we all tour the house. I then get a text.

The boss: Cameras start in 5
Me: Alright we are ready.

*5 minutes later*

The boss: Cameras are on
Me: Ok :)

Hello :) :)
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I'm gonna try to update as soon as I can. Anyway love you all and have a great day. Bye!!!


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