I See Him Again

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Growing up in Jefferson, Georgia was the best but that was all thanks to my two best friends Brantley and Kolby Gilbert. I met Brantley first, it was my first day of school and a boy in my class named Caleb was picking on me and Brantley stood up for me.

I later met Kolby and their mama. She soon made me start calling her Ma. Even though Kolby and I were best friends we didn't hang out as much as I did with Brantley. I remember how Ma used to say that Brantley and were inseparable but how wrong she was.

I was excited for Brantley when he told me that he wanted to go to Nashville to pursue in his music career. He promised that he would keep in touch and I believed him because he never gave me a reason not trust him. He kept in touch for the first month but then he slowly stopped calling.

Now, to him it might have seem he simply stopped contact to a friend but to me it was my first crush and love stopped calling me. No, I didn't expect him to feel the same way about me as I did and do him... matter of fact I knew he didn't feel the same way but it's just hard to loose you're best friend and first love all at the same time.

So three months after Brantley stop calling I left to pursue my career as a pop/rock artist.

Now, a year and a half later, I'm going to have to face him again. Tonight they are having a special night where all the music artist are coming together and sharing their music. I know that Brantley is going to be there with his new fiancè Jana Kramer.

I still talk to Kolby and Ma and that's how I heard about Brantley and Jana. Kolby comes and sees me every once in a while on tour. I asked him what he thought about what I had planned tonight, he told me he thought it was a good idea but reminded me that I would be seeing Brantley more.

Mr. Luke Bryan just got done introducing me, so it's time to sing my last pop song and my first ever country song.

"Okay, I asked my fans on what song they wanted me to last to ever sing from my pop/rock and they decided on The Heart Wants What It Wants."

After singing that I started introducing my next song. "Alright, this song is called Johnny and June. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do."

(Okay I do not own any of the songs or anything else. I just own Harley.)

After the song ended everyone was on their feet. I started laughing when I saw Kolby start chanting my name loudly.

I returned to my seat and before I know it it's Brantley's turn for his songs.

He sang Kick It In The Sticks and Country Must Be Country Wide. An hour later it was over. I was in a hurry to leave so I wouldn't bump into Brantley. I would love to be able to talk to Ma and Kolby but my heart can't be around him right now but apparently Kolby knew what I was going to do because he cut me off and threw me over his shoulder.

"Kolby put me down you know why I can't go over there." I pleaded with him.

"I know but Mama has been waiting all night to see and talk to you. Please do it for her and me." Kolby said while putting me down.

"Okay." I said. Kolby put his arms around my shoulders and lead me over where Brantley, Jana and Ma were. As soon as Ma saw me she ran to me crying. "I missed you sweet pea." We hugged for a good two minutes before she pulled back. By now Brantley and Jana were standing beside her while Kolby was by me.

"Where's you're dad Harley?" Ma said looking around.

"Um he died a month ago Ma." I said looking down. I felt Kolby put his hand on my back. I could tell this didn't go unnoticed by Ma and Brantley.

"He died in a car accident Mama."  Kolby said.

"How did you know about it and not me?" Ma asked.

"I'm sorry Ma, I asked him not to tell you. I wanted to be the one that did it and in person. I'm very sorry. I need someone there for me since I had no one else. I didn't have a funeral for him because he asked me not to give him one before he died."

After talking a little more with Ma and Kolby, I told them I had to go. Brantley never said a word to me and Jana kept giving me the stink eye but would loose it if Brantley, Ma or Kolby was looking towards her. I gave Ma, Kolby, Jana and Brantley tickets to my first concert. Ma was so excited when I did and Kolby winked at me also something that didn't go unnoticed by Brantley.

Later that night, Kolby texted me and told me that Brantley asked him if anything was going on between us. Kolby told me that he almost said yes just to see how he would react but knew that I wouldn't like him doing that.

After thirty minutes of Kolby and I texting back and forth I decieded to hit the hay. But had one thing on my mind and that was Brantley and Jana are coming to the concert in a month.

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