Chapter 1

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Dear Amy,

You've always said you wanted a letter like this; so I thought, 'hey, I'll give her one.' I spent; well I'm hoping to spend hours writing you this letter, because you deserve it. You deserve this letter. You deserve to have your wishes granted; and well, if I could do that for you, I will, because I love you. Now, I know that you're probably reading this with Marianne and Rosie, because that's just what you do, but I want you to know that this letter is for YOU, not for them; so tell them I say hello, but that this is all they are going to hear or see, cause this did say "dear AMY" not "dear Amy (&Marianne& Rosie)," alright.

So now that they're out of the way, I just want to tell you that I love you in the best way I know how, in song. But seeing as though this is paper, and I can't sing, I won't do that. Its okay, you could laugh.

I know; I'm a dork. 

After you stop laughing at my terrible attempt of a joke, you could keep reading.

I really have no words to express how much I love you and all your crazy things. You really drive me nuts sometimes; and I feel the need to strangle you, because you, sometimes, don't know when to shut up. But the thing is, if I strangle you and you end up dead, seconds later, I would have to strangle myself as well, because if there is one thing that I know for certain, it is that I can't live without you. There is just no life after you. I mean, honestly, there is nothing I could do without you.

And I know this is true when I say that I would never think I'm just wasting my time when I'm with you. Because even if we aren't doing anything, I'm still enjoying our time together. You and I are meant to be, and I don't have a doubt in my mind about that.

And although, I would like to attempt to go on and on about how much I love you, I'm not going to do it. You'll just have to take my word for it, because I've got something I need to go buy in a bit.

Basically, what I want you to know is that I love you; and that I'm only after a very happy life, you know, as long as I'm happy with you.

I know our eight year anniversary is during the month of February, and not to mention the day of love is on the fourteenth I'm just going to give you all the presents now. I mean, I was going to wait until I got back, but if my flight gets delayed for whatever reason, then really I'd miss those days. So it's definitely better to be super early than late. You know? And yes, of course you do since that's what you always say.

Anyway, I love you, and enjoy the gifts.


Conner Fitzpatrick, you sneaky, sneaky boy.

He thinks he's smart. He didn't ask me what he was supposed to ask me; and I know that there has to be more than what he bought me. I mean, really he bought me a puppy; it's the cutest thing ever, but not what I was expecting. He bought me a new Louis Vuitton travel set; although, it's not like I'm going anywhere in the near future. I'm not, but I still love it. He bought me some new phone cases that I had been looking at and wanting to buy. Again, I love them, but not what I was hoping for. He bought me the newest Chanel handbag and countless other things such as perfumes, clothes, earrings, and a new charm for my charm bracelet (which has gotten too heavy to even wear), new shoes, my favorite make up, and countless other things. He literally bought me everything I was going to get for myself. He bought me everything I needed plus more, but he did not get me what I was expecting.

I just know that somewhere in this room, there is going to be another letter with that damn ring. But where could it be.

I'm determined to tear this room apart until I find it, but it's not that easy.

**One hour later**

I already looked everywhere, and there just doesn't seem to be anything else here.

If you walked into my room, you would be surprised to see that it was mess free. I somehow managed to search every inch of the room within an hour without making a mess. Sometimes, I just do the impossible.

I am not very happy to see nothing here. I mean, I thought for sure that this was going to be it. I thought he was finally going to propose. And I mean, I know we are young and all, but I want to be engaged already. I really do; even if we don't get married for another year, or longer, I want to know that he wants the same thing. I want him to show me that he does.

I guess I was expecting way too much from him. But Rosie shouldn't have told me that she saw him looking at engagement rings. I mean, really, it could have been anybody; wait no, that's a lie. There is nobody else in this world that looks like my baby. Anyway, what if he was just looking at them, and had one made, but not for now? What if he's just going to propose when he gets back? I just don't know, but she shouldn't have told me anything.

She brought my hopes up; and now, all I think about is that ring. I want it.

Marianne: Hey we just took Anubis outside; and he totally knows how to roll over and sit. It's the cutest thing ever. You need to come outside and see.

Well, I guess I should go outside, and see my lovely little dog.

** ** ** 

Author's note: So like this is super short I know, but since I'm going to post everyday this month, I hope that it's okay if some chapters are shorter than others. I just... yeah. Okay, well I'm still aiming to introduce Niall by the 3rd or 4th chapter. Basically, it will happen once she is actually in Ireland. Please stick around to read it, or not, I mean it's up to you.

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