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It's been two weeks since the Christmas party and these two weeks have been the happiest of your life.The team has been kicking ass lately.They took the news that you and Sara were dating quite well.Although Cisco did ask repeatedly if he could come up with a superhero couple name for you two.And Laurel bothered you for a while because you didn't tell her.

{(Y,n) Pov}

"How do I get to them Felicity?!"

"Ok you're gonna go left on 5th avenue"

"Wait a second a have a better route"You steer you're motorcycle to the right going as fast as you can

"(Y,n) where are you going?"

"Don't worry about it go help the rest of the team"

{Olivers Pov}

"Speedy I need you to try and take out the vans tires"

"What about the chemical containers inside the van?"

"They won't blow up probably,Now go!"

Thea begins approaching the van on her motorcycle but before she can fully reach it she's distracted by the sudden view of (Y,n) flying through the air with (his,her) motorcycle while screaming"Woooooooooooo!!!"

You let go of you're bike while in the air and land on the bumper."I made it!"You think to your self.You then grab an explosive arrow from your quiver and stab the bumper of the car exactly were the motor is before it explodes You jump roll off the bumper as the arrow explodes.

The arrow explodes and the van crashes against a fence.You land on the pavement as Thea parked her bike in front of you

"You okay (y,n)?"

"Yea I'm fine"

Oliver and Diggle drive past and apprehend the drivers

Thea extends her hand towards you"You know just because you're dating the Canary doesn't mean you can fly right?"

{30 minutes later}

The team is currently at the "arrow cave". You're getting ready to leave until Sara stops you she pulls you in for a kiss.

"Nice job out there"

"Thanks although I wrecked my motorcycle"

"Sorry about that but you wanna head home?"

"I can't I'm gonna have lunch with Laurel"

"Ok but remember we have diners with my dad at 7:00"

You pull Sara in for a hug.You watch her as she walks up the stairs.

"Time to go?"Laurel says grabbing your  shoulder


You two walk down the streets until reaching the nearest Big Belly Burger.

"Wanna eat here?"You ask

"Sure as long as they have bulletproof windows"

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