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The air was a little thin that morning. Where Tyler lived, surrounded by trees, forests and rivers, this sort of air was normal for him.

He spent days upon days, playing in an old, wooden, treehouse he found one day in this forest.

He named the forest, bland creek. The boring trees after trees and lakes, ponds, rivers were all too boring for him.

He never went down to the bland creek with anyone but himself. Not even his closest siblings.

This treehouse seemed old, burnt at the edges of the little carved out windows. There was moss coming through the damp floor and ivy making itself at home.

Complete solitude.

Not a noise.

Not one animal making a rustle, tweet or creek.

"TYLAR MAM WANTS YOU TO COME HOME NOWWWWWWW" a voice shouts from beyond the trees.

Tyler didn't want Zack to find out about his little hideaway. He slid down the ladder and ran towards the voice before he discovers his one place he finds peaceful.

"zack Zack ZAck ZACk ZACK" he shouted, voice getting louder as he realised he was getting closer.

This was a mistake, it brought attention to himself, leading him closer.

"Hey, Zack!" He shouts running behind him, drawing his eyes away from the tree.

"Eyyyyy bud! What you doin' out 'ere?"

Tyler started to stutter thinking of an explanation "I come here to cheer myself up some days. I barely feel a smile deep inside me."

"Welp, mams got dinner on the table. I'll tell her you're out for a walk to get some fresh air" Zack says running off back home

Tyler felt relieved, he can finally go back to his treehouse in peace again.

He examined it harder this time than before. Looking at every detail he came across.

A chipped plank of wood in the corner, which wasn't noticeable at first, now stuck out like a sore thumb. A nail was missing from another plank next to the window and a tiny little hole was on his right, just enough to secretly look through with one eye.

Weird carvings were also in this odd looking treehouse.
"T.. t... t" Tyler said repeatedly trying to figure out what this word said. It was clearly faded as it must have been carved ages ago.

He pulled out a sharp twig he found earlier from his back pocket and went over the letters.

"T-E-R..." Tyler mumbled, figuring it out.

"T-E-R-R-I-F... terrified?"

The words now shone as bright as day

"I see you noticed my friend's carving" said a boy, holding onto his shoulder.

He wasn't young but wasn't old, about 17? 18? He had berry-blue hair, chocolate eyes (not light milk and not dark chocolate but a mixture between the two) , light grey hands, pale pink lips and lion-whited teeth.

Tyler didn't jump when he saw this man, he looked back down at the carvings.

"Mum never let me dye my hair" he mumbled

The boys hand was still on Tyler's shoulder. Even though he was a complete stranger, it felt very warming, comforting.

"Shouldn't you go back home and eat?" The man said.
"I suppose, do you have a home?" He asked quietly.

A car, a torch, a death.//FanficWhere stories live. Discover now