Damn I miss you. Everything about you. The way your smile always found a way to make me smile. The way you'd always be there to pick me up when I was down, the way you would always be there to hold me down, keep me sane. Shit I even miss the way you'd yell at me when I was acting up. Everything about you Ri, I lo-

I stopped reading before I could finish, not wanting to even read the lies about how he claimed he felt. Knowing that reading any farther would just result in watery eyes. I decided to move onto another letter, this one inside a attention grabbing red envelope. By the date written on it I'm guessing the letter was sent around the same time the whole women beater situation.

Dear Maria,

I'm starting to feel like a prisoners sending you these letters. I don't understand why your still mad at me. It's been an eternity, how could you still be mad? I know it's been a whole since I wrote, its just that a lot of shits been going on lately. Im guessing you heard about the whole Rihanna situation. You know I ain't that type of person though, that's why I need to talk to you.

It's times like this that I wish I could call you, hear your voice. I miss your voice. Even though you'd just constantly nag me. This is probably the millionth time but I miss you, a lot. You'd think by now I would've just gave up. Got a new girl, making music, I still think about you though. Especially now, I don't know what Imma do. My career's over. I need you right now could you please just answer.

I don't even know what else to write so I'll just keep to one short. I hope you don't start thinking of me as some women's beating lunatic.

I love you.


I placed the letter down, my feelings indescribable at the moment. The fact that he tried turning him beating her into a sob story kinda pissed me off, yet I know that at the moment he was going through a lot of shit so I pushed the anger to the side.Once again I searched the mess for something that looked important, this time my eyes locked on an envelope, slightly bigger than the other two that I had already been through. Just like the last two this one also consisted of one of his hand written letters.

Dear Maria,

You still aren't speaking to me. I miss you like crazy you know. I just wanna see you. Shit I just wanna hear your voice. 3 years and you still can't speak to me. Come on Ri.

This ain't gonna be no long ass letter because to be real I don't got anything left to say. I sent this is hopes that it arrives on your birthday. Your finally 18. I've been writing these letters for almost 3 years now. Each time I send one I pray for a reply but I never get one. You think after all this time I would've given up. This will be the last one I send though. Your legal so if you want to find me you can.

In the envelope is a ring. Just a little something to show you that my promises of marrying you are still there. I still love you.


I didn't bother going through the rest of the letters at the moment. Pushing them to the side to read later. Once everything was packed back up my attention went back to the envelope. I wasn't even aware that I was crying until I saw the tears fall onto it, leaving small stains on the yellow paper. Sure enough, after turning it upside down a ring fell out. I toke the band in between my fingers, examining the diamonds that glistened under the light of the chandler above me.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Liane's familiar voice questioned, snapping my attention from the ring to her.

"It's nothing baby." I mumbled, sliding the ring into my pocket, before whipping away some of the shed tears. "It's just allergies." I lied, knowing that she wouldn't be able to comprehend the truth.

"I hate allergies. They're always making you cry." She frowned. Allergies was always the excuse for when my feelings turned into uncontrollable tears. Lying isn't the best way to raise your child but how could I explain to her about the rough times we'd periodically have?

"Mommy hates them too. How bout you go play with grandma."

"Okay mama." She agreed, her small legs carrying her out of the room. I watched as she made her way into the room, waiting until she was out of sight to make my escape.

"Mom, I'll be back, watch Liane for me!" I shouted as I walked out of the house.

The engine couldn't start fast enough as my rage drove me to my destination. As soon as I pulled up in front of his secluded home I jumped out the car. Viciously knocking on his door before finally getting a answer.

"What the-" he cut himself short when he say me, standing there a teary mess.

"How dare you send this to me!" I yelled, shoving the ring in his face. "How dare you send me a ring after you left me." Tears streamed down my cheeks while he watched me in confusion. "How dare you." My fists reached out to punch him but he stopped me, tightly gripping my wrist.

My attempt to still fight him was worthless, doing no damage, only making him tighten his grip. "Why'd you give me it?"

"Because I love you."

"Stop saying that. Stop saying you love me when you don't. That's bullshit! You don't love me! If you did you wouldn't have left in the first place. That's not love. You don't love me. Your just a lying bastard and I hate-" I was nowhere near the end of my rant but my words were cut short when his lips cut me off. I wanted to protest but I couldn't. His lips, the lips I had been missing for so long were so soft, so sweet. I couldn't help but kiss back and we he tried to intensify it I didn't protest, letting him lay me down on his bed as he placed kisses down my body, not leaving any part untouched. His touch left a lingering feeling of passion mixed with pleasure. I knew Jay and my mother would grow suspicious about my whereabouts but at the moment I didn't care, let them worry.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2014 ⏰

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