Chapter 2

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The next day Liz and Mercedes were standing in line to order their coffee at the Lima Bean before school when Mercedes looked at Liz and noticed the huge smile on her face.

"Okay who you texting over there?"

"Hmm?" Liz responded.

"Oh hell no! I know you heard me! Don't make me take that phone of yours and read the conversation for myself." Mercedes replied with sass.

"Chill," Liz said while putting her phone in her pocket, "It's just Sam."

"It's just Sam?" Mercedes mimicked, "Liz, I see the way he makes you feel! You need to tell him!"

"No not this again," Liz rolled her eyes, "Cedes chill out alright? I don't want to ruin his relationship with Santana. I would be on her hit list for the rest of my life if I did."

"You sure about that? Cause it looks like Satan herself is over there flirting it up with Dave." Mercedes pointed behind them without making it too obvious that she was pointing.

Liz couldn't believe her eyes. Santana was sitting at a table with Dave Karofsky and it looked like some serious conversation was happening over there.

"Do you think this is why Sam's been so weird lately? Do you think he knows she's been going out with Dave?" Liz said shocked.

"I have no idea but, if I was Sam I would want to know that my girlfriend was going out with another guy."

At this point Liz and Mercedes had gotten their coffee and were leaving the Lima Bean walking behind Santana hoping she hadn't seen them.

"Liz you have to tell him or I will." Mercedes exclaimed.

"I know but I don't want to be the one to give him bad news." Liz replied, "It seems like he's finally starting to be himself again and I don't want to pop his bubble."

"I know you don't but just think, you would want to know if you were in his situation."

"You're right"

"So you're going to tell him?"

"Yes, I'll tell him." She frowned.


Liz was dreading to see Sam at school. She was quiet on the way to school because all she could think of was how she was going to confront Sam about what she had seen. Luckily she didn't see Sam until just before lunch but then she had the rest of the day with him because they shared 4 of the same classes. As she walked into history and saw him sitting at their table her heart started pounding. "Liz you can do this" she thought.

"Well this must be a first, I beat you to class." Sam said smiling up at Liz as she set her books on the table and sat down.

"I know, must be those magic powers you have." She replied while whispering the last part into his ear.

He gasped and whispered back, "Liz, I told you never to mention that again. Now I'll give you a warning this time cause I really don't want to have to kill you." He winked.

"Damn it! I forgot you had said that." She giggled.

"It's alright, but if you were wondering yes I beat you cause of my powers." They both laughed.

Just then the bell rang indicating that class was starting. Throughout the rest of the period Liz made a deal with herself that she would just tell Sam after glee club. That gave her the rest of the school day to figure out exactly what to say to him. Little did Liz know that Sam was planning on talking to Santana so he could break up with her.

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