One Direction

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Louis P.O.V.

Ring! Ring!

"GUYS!!! IT'S UNCLE SIMON!!!!" I yell.

The boys run straight down the stairs in a flash.

I pick up the phone, put it on speaker, and Simon says "Your going on a year long tour with Fifth Harmony, Little Mix, and Five Seconds Of Summer. Start packing. Your flight boards tomorrow morning bye." He ends the call.

Zayn gulps because Perrie dumped him. For Luke Hemmings in 5SOS. And Luke happens to be going on tour with us. Zayn really likes Camila.

Niall shakes his head because he hasn't had the strength to ask out Lauren, his crush.

Harry runs off, probably to practice asking out Normani. They both have been flirting, but never admitted they are a thing. He wants to make it a thing, before someone else steals his shot.

Liam looks like he will puke. Last time he saw Dinah, he was so nervous that he threw up all over her. Dinah probably got the impression that he was grossed out.

And me, I never talked to Ally, because she is so pretty I don't want to make a mistake in front of her. I like her, but I'm sure she doesn't like me back.

A/N I will be taking suggestions about who should date who in Little Mix and Five Seconds Of Summer. Start commenting please! I will tell you who will date who once everyone is set up with someone. Probably in 2 to 3 chapters. It will be sooner if you start commenting!

Ever watched High School Musical? *Sharpay's Voice* Toodles!!

~Ashlyn 😘

You Broke My HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora