Mia Tee!

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My name is Mia! And I'm bae!!!! I hacked my sister Terica Jane. So if she wants to tell yall about her life than y can't I?

I'm thirteen
Weird story: My parents got in a divorce about a year after they married because my mom cheated on Terica's dad.

Than mom had Terica... by those nine months the man my mom dated while cheating on Terica's dad (My biological father) had me with another women.

Terica was born and the two parents had to split their time with her. My mom died giving birth to me 😞😞

Terica's mom (Who I call my mom) took me in. Then my dad became an alcoholic and died in a car crash. Which is a huge scar in my life.

Then Terica's parents wanted to try to get together again. They started dating, not married. They stayed together in Boulder for a while and then something happened three years ago (Since its 2017)

They decided to stay in divorce and she moved to England with my biological aunt. I still visit my 'mom' and 'dad' even tho they are actually Terica's.

I have blonde hair. And still cry myself to sleep.

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