Chapter 3:The rink

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Later on I was so excited to go to the roller rink. My mom dropped me off around 7. Bre, Jacob, and Taylor were already there waiting for me. "Where's Ali?" I asked while I was sliding on my skates."She wasn't feeling too well so she just stayed home." I stood up on my skates trying to keep my balance than I remembered I only went skating two other times and the last time I faced planted in the middle of the floor.After a few slow loops around I said "I will get some drinks."Everyone agreed to it so they went and found a table while I worked my way over to the con-session stand."Hi can I have two Dr.Peppers, a root beer, and a Pepsi?" "Sure thing hun coming right up" the man behind the counter said politely. I grabbed the drinks from the stand when I noticed I didn't think things through and I left my skates on. Of course the table they picked out had to be in the back.Just my luck Skating over slowly, I made my way to the table."Thanks Hail" Taylor said picking up the Pepsi she asked for."Hailey can you please get me a napkin I'm such a mess" Bre said with Dr.Pepper dripping down her shirt. I didn't mind getting her one it's just hard getting around in these skates. I didn't want to take them off because I would look foolish and stupid that a 15 year old didn't know how to skate."Sure one second" I said rising from my chair. I got my way over to the stand grabbing a handful of napkins. Just my luck on my way back half of them dropped to the floor. Just saying its a lot harder to bend over with skates on being inexperienced. As I stood up from getting them, I felt myself falling to the floor by force. I look up to see who rudely pushed me out of the way and his deep brown eyes looked familiar. He had the cutest smile. He was dressed in jean shorts and a tank top with stripes on. He looked at me with a worried look on his face. "I'm so sorry are you okay?I wasn't paying attention" he said helping me up. "Yeah I'm fine. I understand. Its all good." "Is there anything I can do? he asked curiously. "No really it's okay." "You look really familiar.You go to my school right?" he asked. "Yeah I just moved here a few days ago. I'm Hailey Marie." "Nice to meet you Hailey. I'm Colton Rudloff" he said shaking my hand. I knew I saw him before. It was the guy from the cafeteria that Bre couldn't stand. I wonder why. He seemed really nice other than the part of him pushing me to the ground, but it was a accident. "Well Hailey I have to get back to my friends." He pointed to 2 other guys who I remember seeing at lunch earlier too. I think their names were Eric and Thomas. "Don't be a stranger" he said winking at me. "See you tomorrow in school." He walked back to his friends and skated away probably telling them how he ran me over. Anyways I went back to the table. "What took you so long?" Jacob asked. "Sorry I just ran into someone that's all. "Oh well thank you" Bre said taking the napkins. I didn't plan on telling her about my run in with Colton since I saw the way she talked about him earlier. It's not like he will talk to me again anyways. Everyone said he was a big asshole. He was probably just being nice because he felt guilty or something. Who knows. 

After the rink, I went home. When I walked through the door, Justin was on the computer checking on his news feed and playing on Facebook. I was tired so I just went up to bed. As I was lying down I couldn't stop thinking about Colton. Bre said don't let his good looks fool you. I tried shaking the thought of even having a crush on him out of my head. I just hope tomorrow at school he doesn't recognize me and we can just pretend this never happened.

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