The Ultimate Paranormal Lockdown: Stacy enters the contest

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Stacy had been hearing about a new television series called Paranormal Lockdown and she ha asked one of her friends how the show was and her friends all said it was awesome and scary all at the same time.. So when she was sitting in front of the television that night she saw the spoiler for it and she saw the show for the first and she loved it cause it had her favorite investigator Nick Groff now she had been following him since his days on Ghost Adventures so naturally it would stand to reason that she would follow him on his own show as well.. So as she settled in to watch the show she got more and more excited because Nick and Katrina had been locked in an extremely haunted house and there had been activity in every room of the house.. Just before the show had gone to commercial Nick tells the viewers to stay tuned for a very exciting announcement.. As she watches the show she than realizes that she has forgotten to enter the contest so she waits for the rerun and then she sees the question and she answers them and sends them into and she does this every Friday night.. As she gets ready to watch the next weeks episode she cant help but wonder what it would be like to meet Nick and Katrina face to face.. Stacy then realizes something has caught her attention and it is an orb or a small round ball of light hovering over Nick's head. She then waits for Nick's questions needed for the nights episode so he gives the questions and she quickly answers them and send them into for the contest.. Stacy then turns to her dad and says I just have to win the contest daddy, I just have to win. He looks at her and says we will see sweetie, we will see remember there a lot of fans that have entered and only one can win.. Stacy looks at him and says I know daddy and he says that I just don't want you to get your hopes up in case you don't win ok and she says ok daddy I wont.. She heads off to bed and then the following Friday at school she talks to her friends James and Katie about the show and they all say it awesome and they then asked her if she entered the contest and she says yes and they both say they had entered to they all wish one another good luck and they promise not to get when the winner is announced.. So in the coming weeks all of the fans watch and enter feverishly waiting when they might hear their name announced. In the coming weeks the contest comes to an end and Stacey gets more and more excited Nick and Katrina make another announcement and they wish everyone the entered the best of luck..

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