2- The Little Girl Who Could Speak

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  I raced down the corridor hoping and praying that he would be home. As I ran I nearly ran past Elias's apartment. My sneakers screeched to a halt on the marble floor.

  I began pounding on the door and just about punched Elias in the eye. As soon as I realized he opened the door I ran inside grabbing at my hair. "Well come in why don't you" Elias said sarcastically then realized that I was panicking. "Wait are you okay" Elias said in a more careful approach.

"There's a man with a gun and the little girl cried fog or mist I don't really know but and then he almost kicked me in the face and,and she might be shot because he had a gun"  I didn't know what I was saying it all just came out as a blur.

"Wait Ensley slow down did the man hurt you" I shook my head. Elias was now sitting across from me on his white leather love seat.

"Okay so there is a little girl in my" I gasped realizing I needed to breathe "apartment and she is scared and the man is trying to catch her or hurt her I haven't put it all together yet but please help me she could get hurt" I plead as I look up to Elias.

He looked as though he was bored but alarmed at the same time but Elias usually looked calm and collected.

   He stared at me still comprehending the information until he stood up and bolted out of the door with me chasing after him.

We got to my apartment with record timing but everything was quiet and calm. Definitely not what I was expecting.

The door was off its hinges and the furniture was still intact but the television stand had a bullet hole from when the man shot at my ankles.

    I spun around to see Elias stalking around on high alert. I walk up to him with a steady pace " I told her to hide in my closet but I don't know if she's still here or if that psychotic maniac got her"

I informed him of everything that was said to the little girl including what she told me, or more so sent me.

    We slowly make our way to my bedroom hoping that she got to the closet before the man crashed into the room.

    I pushed the cream colored door open with the pads of my fingers trying to be the quiet as possible. I looked around the room and nothing even shows that the girl or the man was here. Actually now that I think about it I notice that the only damage is on the dark television stand.

    " I don't understand where did she go!?" I whisper yell as I peer into the closet. I turn around to see Elias in pure shock, either that or fear and then I hear a small voice "You know its rude to stare?" I look up to see the little girl with opal hair sitting on top of the closet.

    "How on earth did you get up there and..... Wait did you just talk!?" I question her as I think back to myself,

          How on earth did I get into this mess?


Hey guys what do you think?   Personally I'm actually really proud of myself I've always loved writing, it was kind of a secret passion but enough about me. what do you guys think is it going too fast? or too slow? sorry lots of questions... OH WELL!!! comment what you think and if there's something you would like me to include.

  Kay byeeeeeeeee

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