Chapter Two

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"So the spell, when cast on two people, is supposed to let each other know what the other one is feeling." Jane explained as Mal and Ben stood next to each other. "Expect to get a brush of thought from the other person."

"I'm actually still kinda scared to get Mal's thoughts." Ben nervously said.

Mal smiled at him. "Oh you should be."

Jane laughed as she pulled out the spell book. Evie stayed watching the two and how they had tension building up between them. She secretly thought this was funny, but she didn't wanna say anything.

"Okay, here we go... Look at me, Look at you, don't you wonder what it feels like walking in my shoes? " Jane slowly casted the spell with her hand in slow swift movements. Then she casted it and the periwinkle magic shot out of her hand and into Mal and Ben. Both their eyes turned light blue for a swift second before they both went back to normal.

"How do you guys feel?" Evie asked.

"Woah, I got why can I see way past Jane's head?" Mal asked. "And why is my voice so deep?!"

"And why is your voice my voice?" Ben asked. "And why is my voice your voice?!"

Evie's eyes got wide, and so did Jane's.

Ben and Mal turned to each other. They then realized that they were each looking their own body. Then they both started to scream. Then they both looked at Jane with mad eyes.

"Wow, um... let some find the reverse spell." Jane smiled nervously as she flipped through the book. And she kept fliping, and fliping. "Okay, um... I kinda can't find the spell."

"WHAT?!?!" Ben and Mal screamed.

"Are you aware that we are in each others bodies, Jane?" Mal asked.

"And The Crowed Genie has and performance tomorrow Jane. And Mal is performing with them. What is gonna happen then?" Evie asked quickly.

Jane groaned, "I should have known better not to touch Mom's book. Okay, give me an hour to find something." She said right before she flashed out.

Ben started feeling the hair on his head. "Mal, the hair on my head is purple. How am I supposed to run Auradon?"

"Um, Ben. My hair is short and shaggy, and how am I use magic... Wait which one has which magic?" Mal asked, then she snapped her fingers and the Magic came moving through her fingers that were Ben's. "Yes! Still got my magic."

"Okay, what are you guys gonna do? You guys still have your everyday lives to live. What's gonna happen now?" Evie asked.

Ben rubbed his temples then looked down at his fingers. "Oh God, nail Polish. Okay, number one: no one can know about this, then they'll find out I'm letting students use magic and they will start watching Auaradon Prep more."

Across Campus, Carlos and Jay were walking back to their dorm room when Lonnie ran up to them with her Microphone and her camera man, Chad. When Lonnie and Chad ran up to anyone like this, it means that they are about to get interviewed for Auardon Buzz.

"Hey guys, Auradon Buzz is doing a piece on Vk hair color. Would you two mind being interviewed." Lonnie explained.

"Um, I-" Jay started but Chad cut him off.

"Great! In three, two, one!" Chad said and signaled Lonnie to start speaking.

"Hey there, today we are gonna be talking with several Vks about their amazing hair colors. Right now, I am with Carlos and Jay. So tell me Carlos, is it real."

"Actually yes, most villain kids are born with hair that represents their parents in some type of way. Mal's is purple, Evie's is blue, and mine grows in black at the roots, but slowly turns white when it gets to the top of my head." Carlos explained.

"Fascinating." Lonnie said into the camera. "And Jay tell us about yours."

Jay smiled as he took off his red beanie and ran a hand through his long hair. "Well, my hair isn't a different color because my dad claimed he didn't really have a select color, so my hair came out brown. And I decided to grow it out because I hated hair cuts as a child. So I only get the ends clipped every now and then."

"Wow! Now time for the weekly challenge." Lonnie smiled into the camera.

Carlos and Jay's eyes went wide. They knew how weird or embarrassing Auradon Buzz's weekly challenges could be. Jordan came running to them.

"Sorry I'm late. Someone knocked my lamp of my dresser again." Jordan said as she pulled out the piece of paper and read it. "The weekly dare is... Switching hair colors!"

Carlos and Jay turned and looked at each other. "Oh no."

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