A Little Hope Chapter 1

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Noctis wasn't the brightest person at times. Or maybe he just pretended, but either way it was starting to bother a certain girl.

Iris had been friends with Noctis since childhood. And ever since the day he found her when she got lost and became her friend as well as her brother's friend, she may have started to develop a small crush on him.

Well it wasn't always that way. At first it was a sense of admiration. However by the time she was thirteen she had a crush on him. He was attractive, but he was not only her friend, but her older brother's friend. That meant from what she knew that she was off limits for dating.

It was some unspoken between boys that she never understood. Still she had hope that maybe this wouldn't be the case with her and Noctis. And it wasn't like he needed her friendship, he had Prompto, Ignis, Gladios.

As the years went by she felt like a little girl holding onto a dream or one of many in a sea of familiar faces.

Occasionally, she would get strange looks from Ignis or a look of amusement from Prompto when she got excited around Noctis.

The prince himself didn't seem to mind her company, but that didn't mean anything. No matter how much she wanted it to.

Gladios had questioned her many times since she was a child about the prince and her feelings about him.

She always told him that he was her best friend. They usually left it at that usually left it at that.

One day, when it was just the two of them, she asked him to take a walk with her. He agreed and they did so. Every so often they stop and she'd tell him something about the area.

He'd respond with something nice or encouraging and they'd been on they're way to the next stop. Eventually they decided to head back to see if the others were around yet.

She smiled at him, "You know this is kinda like a date." she said.

He smiled a little a her, "Well if it was then your brother would probably kill me." he replied.

She giggled, "Then I guess we'll have to keep quiet about it won't we." she spoke happily.

He hadn't denied it or seemed to be bothered by the idea. At least not any less than he usually acts towards things. Maybe there still was some hope after all.

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