Chapter 1

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"Dad um... can Ren and I go to the human world please only for a short time to sell our food. Please to get a feel for it." Asked a green eyed, raven haired with blue highlights in it teen.  While the other had dark green highlights in his hair. Both had their hair in a low pony tail that reached their mid-back.

"Hmm. Ok if there is any trouble I won't you to drop everything and come back here. They won't be able to fallow you here and you can look for schools wile your at it you can't lean every thing from me. And take Video for Max after all she's can't leave this world yet not until she's at least 7 you both can start school in the human world when you turn 16." Said Komatsu. His hat was also in a low lower back pony tail.

"H... how did you know we were going to look for schools!?"

"I'm your father and I know you both love too cook."

"Thanks Dad and we'll make sure to tell Max before we leave. She would be had if we don't."

"True, true. Now off you go I won't you back before dark; I know your both very strong but you never know what's out there." Komatsu told his twin sons as they left to the Human world.

"Papa when will I be able to go to the uman wold too?"
Asked a small purple eyed girl withe silver white hair down to her lower back.

"In 2 years on your 7th birthday. I have a house where we can love in he human world. But you have to be strong and have better control of your powers if you don't have control of your powers we can't go. Ok. Now do you want to help me make dinner?"

"Yes papa I'll work weal hard. Can I make the dessert I love cooking but I love baking more. Do you think I could go to cooking school too when I'm a big girl?"

"If you want to. You can do anything."

Komatsu picks his daughter up and heads to the kitchen. Wile he raised his kids he found out all three got his pasión for cooking and backing. Rex the first born by 5 min and Ren the younger twin. There mother abandon them with Komatsu wanting nothing to do with them. Max was born 8 years later by a different woman she wanted to have a child but only to keep some rare blood line alive she died shortly after Max was born.

When Max was three they found out Max had grommet cells. And Komatsu began to train her on how to control them. Her brothers helped and found out if Max were born in the human world she would have bin taken away and the family would have Brent told she was a still born.

"Papa it's almost dark we're are Rex and Ren at they told me they would be back to day."

"They will be here before dinner is done hurry and cut the veggies and I'll show you to make centare soup."

"Ok papa. "

Max and her brothers can cook as good as Komatsu but they still had a lot too learn, Komatsu has and will teach every thing he knows to his children. They picked it up like fish to water.

As her father cooked Max watched and she remembered everything.

"Dad were home and we sold all our food people said they really liked it we even met this big shot named Zebra he called Rex you first. But we didn't let a thing slip. So don't worry."

"Did you take picketers? Was Zebra big? Like when papa tells us in his story's?" Asked Max a mile a minuet.

"Yeah hear are your pic. We even got a pic of Zebra-San wile he want looking. He looked a bite scary at first but we knew he was nice."

"He looks cool, I bet he's won a Lots of battles with all those scares."

After dinner the boys helped clean.

"Hey dad they were looking for you. All the Gourmet hunters we saw here asking about were you were or if we knew what happened. "

"I know we can't say hidden for very much longer. I just hope we can stay hidden long enof for Max. She still needs to learn more control. She almost knows everything I need to teach her about cooking. And before we go to the Human World there is one thing I need to give her. I gave one to the both of you remember. "

"Yeah. Don't worry dad. We still practice with them, as a weapon and a cooking tool." Said Rex.

"Let's get to bed we have a big day tomorrow.


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