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Yuuichirou's P.O.V
I was tied up with tape over my mouth and chains around my ankles along with my wrists. As I saw my own father with a butcher knife heading towards my direction. He tried stabbing me but all he could do is throw the knife on the floor and start crying as he stated " I-I can't do-this.." As my mother in the corner repeated "Kill the Demon child." As she kept cutting her wrists trying to commit suicide. My father The picked the knife back up and slit his throat. Along with my mother as she succeeded in killing herself as well. As I was the witness of this all. I was horrified by the scene. I managed to slip out of the chainsaws taking the tape of my mouth successfully. I walked ran out of my only home into the dark and cold city of Japan. Walked for hours but no one was willing to help a 8 year old. Until some police men found me. They took my to the police station. They let me sleep there but the next day they brought me to an orphanage. With miserable children along with strict caretakers. I couldn't take it I ran away after a week. After that it felt like a cycle of orphanage after orphanage. I had no place I could call home I was alone.
(It's so short. I'm sorry this is my first Fanfic)

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