Finding her father

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"You sure you wanna see this Kelly?"

"I'm sure."

Severides pov

I wanted to find out so bad who her father was, but I need a last name.

I woke up at 5:30 and went for a run. On my way back it was 5:45 when I bumped into a familiar face.

"Hey Ally."

"Hi Kelly."

"Why you out this early?"

"I'm just walking. Hey,I have a paper to do about your dream job. And like what the workers think about it. Is it ok if I come by 51 to interview you guys?"

"Yea. I also have a question. What's your last name?"


"Ok. I got to get going. Be safe."

"I will you too. Bye."


Ally's pov

It was kind of weird for Kelly to ask me my last name, but I trust him. After my short  walk I headed back to the orphanage and went to school.

As I'm putting things into my locker Veronica (the popular girl) comes up to me. She shuts my locker in my face.

"What's up attention seeker?" She said.

"Excuse me." I say in shock.

"Oh cut the crap. You have been stealing all the attention in the past week. You were on the news Friday because you were stuck in the building, and then on Saturday you were on the news cause you pulled someone out of a fire."

"Um excuse me but it's not my fault that I was on the news Friday. I was trapped in the room. On Saturday I did a good deed so of course there going to interview me. If you were me on Friday you probably would've been crying in the corner. And if you were me on Saturday you would've #1 Die because you didn't think like me to move to the back of the store. # 2 you would of left that person to die because all you care about is yourself." I felt pretty confident of what I said. Mostly because it's true.

"Ugh. How dare you." She slapped me across the face and pushed me on the ground. I got to my feet and went to punch her , but Nini stopped me.

"She's not worth your energy." I shot her a look then looked back at Veronica. She had fear in her eyes. I pulled away from Nini cause she was holding my fist, and walked away.

Severides pov

"Squad load up. We're going for a ride." I said. I told cruz to drive to the 21st district. I'm going to see if Antonio can get me records of Ally.

As we pulled up I grabbed a radio and hopped out. I walked up to the front desk to Trudy. She gave me a look of terror.

"Is he alright?!" (Referring to Mouch)

"Yes he's fine. I need to talk to Antonio."

"Thank god. I'll go get him." She came back down with Antonio.

"Hey! Kelly. What can I do for you?"

"Hi Antonio. I was wandering if you can pull up some info on Ally McLandan."

"You got it. I'll drop it off by the firehouse later."

"Ok thanks man."

"No problem." We headed back to the house and ate lunch. About 20 minutes later Antonio stops by.


"Hey. You got the thing."

"Yea. I need to speak with you in private." I nodded and led him to the conference room.

"Are you sure you wanna see this Kelly?"

"I'm sure." He handed it to me and I stood there shocked. It read.

Lucy McLandan.
Deceased 1985-2006
Mother to Allison McLandan.

Kelly Severide
Father to Allison McLandan.

"Congrats Kelly. It's a girl." Antonio said. He patted my back and left.

I'm her dad. I'm a dad. How am I going to tell her.I need to tell Casey and Gabby. I called them into the room.

"What's up" Casey said.

"Sit please." They did as I said. I slid the paper in between them. They read it. I knew they got to my name cause their eyes went wide.

"Kelly your a dad?" Gabby asked.

"I guess so." I said with a slight chuckle.

"How did you not know?" Casey asked.

"I remember her mom. Her mom was probably my longest relationship. One night she snapped. She kicked me out. But never told me she was pregnant." 

"How are you going to tell her?" Gabby asked.

"She's coming over to interview us. I guess then."

"Great I'm happy for you." Casey said.

"Me too." Gabby said.

"Thanks guys. Don't tell anyone."

"Our lips are sealed." Casey said.

1 hour later

I saw Ally walk up on to the show floor.

"Hey. I need to talk to you."

"Ok." I pulled her by the ambo where no one is.

"I...uh...I found your father." Her eyes lit up.

"Really! Where is he?"

"Ally I'm your father."

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