Peri Jane

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Name: Peri Jane Goldennight (PJ)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5 ft 2
Hair: long, black(always in a messy braid)
Eyes: light blue
From:  Odessa, Texas
Outfit: white cowgirl hat, red plaid shirt. Short jean shorts, tall brown boots, and a brown cross body fringe purse.

        Hi my name my name is Peri Jane Goldennight, but my friends call me PJ.
I want to tell you a little bit about me. To start I love art, and singing. I also love animals, in fact I have a puppy named midnight. She is a black lab pup. I also have a few friends but only two real friends, lunar and Ean. I've been friends with Ean since I can remember. You'll find out more about me later on but I want to tell you about my childhood first.
Back story.
           I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was born 2000 on January 10th. Then 5 years later in 2005 on February 2nd my little sister came along, her name was Elisabeth Goldennight. She would have been 12 this year. But in 2007 she passed away because of cancer. I never thought I would make it but there was one person I knew I could go to, Ean.
We had known each other since birth. He was there with me in the hospital that faithful day, he was with me at the funeral, and he is still standing by me today. We are best friends. But now for something more happy. So our moms new each other before we came along. My mom is Kendra Leigh Goldennight and Ean's mom is Thelma Lue Marley. Like i said I was born 2000 so I'm 17 now and Ean was born 2001 so he is 16 now. When we were kids we had played and hung out all the time. We went to school together, we would have a few classes together. But we would sit with each other at lunch. Then after school we would head to the play ground before heading home to do home work.
Back story end
    So that's enough about em for now.  I'm Sure some more secrets about me will spill along the way but for now I hope you enjoy.

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