It was nothing to do with the education, that I know; the royals have gathered tens of millions of these human money tokens they call 'pounds' here, over the centuries and millennia, and so money is not an issue, plus, it's not like we need it to eat or anything. It was more, a test of my will, and a risky one at that. He knows that if I don't control myself, I'll cause the entire vampire race to become known to humans, causing my official banishment by my father's own hand, and the hatred of a kingdom of 3.5 million vampires, for our city is not simply a kingdom or a castle, but a city. Our city, protected by blood magic, hidden from the humans, undiscoverable without the use of vampires or powerful dark magic.

Lucy interrupted my thoughts by knocking on my door. I knew it was her because I could smell her; she always wears that cinnamon-y perfume....

'Oh well, can't leave the world waiting', I thought to myself. "Come in", I muttered. The door opened to reveal a 5''7 blonde halfblood. My rock. My friend. Lucy. I looked up and smiled at her, but she didn't notice, as she shuffled into my room with a big frown on her face. I sighed internally; she must've been fighting with her boyfriend again. "Someone looks happy today", I murmured, a small smirk on my face. She glared at me, if looks could kill....

I'd still be alive considering I'm dead already.

"Shut up", she snarled back, and I chuckled. We had a kind of love-hate relationship going, we were mean to each other, but we both knew we were cool. There was none of this 'you're a Princess so I'll wait on your every word' bull with her, which is what I got from most vampires around the city. It was refreshing, it made me feel normal.

While I was having my mini-epiphany, Lucy huffed and slumped onto my bed, frowning heavily, mumbling words like "Jerk" and "Idiot" all the while. She had a very hot and cold relationship with her boyfriend, Andre. When they were solid, which was rare, they were inseperable, lovers and best fitness. I looked at Lucy with slight jealousy; 'What I wouldn't give to have that', I thought.

Then again, when they were bad, well...let's just say you didn't have to turn on a soap opera to get a little drama in your life. You just had to be within about 50 miles and have ears to hear their arguments and spouts.

Lucy was the daughter of a prestigious lord in my father's chambers, while Andre had recently
(as in, last 50 years) replaced his father as the Head of Accountancy for the Royal Charter of Atraxia. Basically, he counted money, and lots of it. Exciting. I was careful not to let my tongue slip as I turned to face the sulking Lucy on my bed, this job had put a lot of stress on their relationship, and she was very touchy about it, that much I knew.

"Andre?" I asked. I hadn't heard their....disagreement through the walls of my room, which was very unusual. Typically the walls had barely stopped ringing before Lucy stomped over here, expecting ice cream and a chick flick.

"Andre", she simply stated, her petite face twisting grimly at the mention of his name. Jeez, these guys should get some counselling or something....

I should've known, I mean, what else could it have been? I glanced at the clock above my door, and it was already 11am, we needed to get moving to beat the Saturday rush, as humans went out to spend all their hard earnt cash. "C'mon, we'll talk about it on the way", I said to her, walking out the door, knowing she would follow. And she did, dragging herself to her feet, mumbling to herself in self-pity as we left for Westfield Mall.



"...and then I was like, Andre, you've cancelled the last THREE dinners with me for that stupid job!" Lucy shouted. We had been driven to Westfield Mall, and were now inside. I had asked the completely conspicuous bodyguards that followed me around to back off a bit, so Lucy and I could 'talk' privately; a.k.a Lucy shouts what happened to the whole mall and I have to placate her. Great.

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