Not now

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Jenna POV
I was performing part in the closing number when I suddenly twist my ankle. It hurt really bad but I keep dancing. During the dance there is a part where Lindsay and I pretend to talk to each other but this time she actually said something." Jenna that fall was bad. You ok?" She asks. "No but I'm just gunna finish." I say as I begin to walk away. After the curtain closes I fall to the ground in tears. Everyone surrounds me but I only want one person. "Val" I say helplessly. "I'm right her princess, what hurts?" He asks bending down next to me. "My ankle". Val picks me up and I wrap my arms around his neck.
I carry Jenna back to the girls dressing room and set her down on a chair. "I'm gunna go get you some ice babe." I walk out and find some ice and bring it back to Jenna. When I walk in she is talking to Gina, our physical therapist on tour, and it doesn't look good. "Here baby." I hand here the ice. "So Val as I just told Jenna she did sprain her ankle and will not return to dancing for at least a week." Gina says. She leaves the room so now it is just Jenna and I. "I'm sorry baby. But it could be much worse." I say, pulling Jenna into my chest as her tears begin to fall. "I know it's only a week but I just feel bad for my fans that won't see me. Why did this have to happen now?" She asks. "They will understand j." "Can we just go back to the bus?" She asks. I scoop her up and carry her back out to the tour buses.
Jenna POV
Val placed me down in my bunk and called in with me. The rest of the cast made their way into the bus then over to me. "Hey Jenna how are you?" Keo asks holding onto my hand. "I'm out for a week but I will be ok." I say with a reassuring smile. "Ok well we all love you!"Emma says placing a kiss to my head. They all return to the front of the bus and I turn my body to face Val. "Thank you for taking care of me today. I love you." I say snuggling into his chest. "Anytime baby girl. I love you now get some rest." He says as I begin to fall asleep in his wast arms.

*happy New Year's Eve! I was suppose to go to a out but my sister is now really sick:( that sucks but the good news is that I will have plenty of time to write! I have a ton of prompts to do but if you think of anymore lmk!💜

Valenna prompt bookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora